Hi Ken,

On 2/3/22 16:54, Kenneth Lerman wrote:
I'm considering converting a surface grinder to CNC. To start, I'll
probably just convert the longitudinal and transverse axes.

I'll go with steppers for this -- I'm thinking NEMA-42 motors.

My current Bridgeport clone uses servos and Jon Elson's hardware on a
little Intel Atom Box. I'm thinking of using a Rpi for this. It will need a
minimal display/control panel when completed, but initially will need a
display with touchscreen or mouse and possibly a keyboard. In the long run,
some buttons. and perhaps an mpg might be useful.

I'd like to use a raw Rpi without adding special hardware directly. That
probably means using a USB or ethernet interface to control the steppers.
I'm thinking of using Mesa hardware.

Can someone suggest the most cost effective way to do this? (Although I

Control steppers with Arduino and appropriate size drivers https://dronebotworkshop.com/stepper-motors-with-arduino/

and Rpi for GUI part and connections over the network for file sharing, backups and GUI as needed.

While these two are NOT industrial grade, they should be able to handle your project.

have to admit, that after buying the timing belts and pulleys, the
steppers, power supply, stepper drivers, ..., it's too late to be really
cost effective.). And the surface grinder only cost me $300.


Recommended reading:

Modern PC motherboards and freaking parallel port are a total waste for CNC (retrofit) in 202x! Using multicore CPUs with GBs of RAM to spin stepper motors with obsolete G-code is nuts!

Good luck,

Rafael Skodlar
Exclusive Linux user and Open Source Software supporter since Feb 1994

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