> I don't know if my reply got through. Look at Micro-Epsilon.

It did get through, thank you. 
Micro-Epsilon appear to be a premiere brand in this industry. 

I am a bit puzzled by some of the replies saying that it is very difficult to 
achieve 0.001 with these sensors. Perhaps I failed to mention the units, which 
are inches. I also failed to mention that the sensor will measure the height of 
an object that rests at a known position, from a working distance of >4”. So 
it’s not absolute accuracy that I’m after but relative displacement. These 
triangulation sensors are quite good at that, it would appear.

I decided to go with a Keyence Ia-060 head and Ia-1000 amplifier, because the 
whole kit can be had used off ebay for around $200.

The signal out of this device is 0.5V-4V. It is scalable to a specific working 
range, which should allow me to use the entire voltage scale instead of that 
scale being spread over the instrument’s working range.

Now I need to get this signal into LinuxCNC. I think the MESA THCAD device 
would work, though it’s a bit overkill. Does MESA have other 1 or 2-channel A-D 
options, perhaps without the high voltage protection?

I also have a few ADS1115 devices on hand. I saw that someone created a 
LinuxCNC component for these, as it would appear, by bit-banging the i2c 
protocol from a parallel port. I don’t run a base thread on this machine, 
though, and the computer is a pi4. Is it possible to use the native i2C bus on 
the pi4 in a LinuxCNC realtime component? If this sounds like a naive question, 
it’s because it is one. I code mostly by the copy-paste method. :)

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