You could try a simple photo prox sensor with gain/threshold setting.
The AutomationDIrect sensors we use let you "teach" the background
and foreground light levels.  If you are lucky, your black and green may
be different enough in reflectance to give you your trigger.  May not
work, though, as the green and red may be too similar.  I wonder if a
simple colored lens in front of the sensor head would let you distinguish.
Maybe two prox, one with a red lens and one without.  So you can detect
if you have an object, and if it isn't red.

Or check out this A-D color sensor:
Might be as expensive as what you are looking at.

-- Ralph
From: andrew beck []
Sent: Wednesday, May 11, 2022 4:29 PM
To: Enhanced Machine Controller (EMC)
Subject: [Emc-users] OT but built on linuxcnc machines:) affordable color 
sensor for project (24v model)

CAUTION: This email originated from outside the Walla Walla University email 

hey guys

i am sure there is lots of experience here

i am looking for a color sensor to sense when a red color chip goes past on
a conveyor

normally the chips are just green and black.  they can be colored in with a
red marker if they are faulty and then we want this sensor to detect them.

currently i am getting prices back at 500 bucks nzd each and i need 4 of
them which seems a bit pricey lol

considering at the other end of the price point i can get a arduino option
for 8 dollars but it is not so plug and play. and is only 5v and needs a
chip too i think.

i want something that can be connected with a PLC to have a simple trigger
on or off .

you guys got any ideas?



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