I like the idea of a web cam, much better than single chips. Even better if one can split out the  RGB channels, in which case you get built-in filters. Still concerned about getting enuf contrast off a thin film of marker pen; fluorescence?  Glad it is someone else's problem.


On 5/11/22 10:30 PM, Chris Albertson wrote:
On Wed, May 11, 2022 at 10:08 PM Chris Albertson <albertson.ch...@gmail.com>

You can do this with a  $20 webcam.  Any decent video camera will work,
especially if you take care to rig up good quality even, no-glare lighting

Sory I hit "send" too soon...

Sorting parts on a conveyor belt by color, size or shape is a classic
computer vision problem.    It is possible that the software could find the
part if it is always in the different part of the belt.  What you do is
first locate the part, isolate te pixels that belong to it, then look at
and RGB histogram to determine color

The software you use is "OpenCV".   It is a library with hundreds of
functions, some for getting the video camera data into the computer.   You
could use either C++ or Python.

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