----------empyre- soft-skinned space----------------------
Hola tod@xs,

Thanks to Margarthata and all who have been sharing these last couple of weeks. 
I have learned a great deal and I am not sure if I can respond in terms of the 
deep practices that all of you have being doing between breathing-seeds and 
alter-spaces for growing.

So I will just jump into the telecractic capture spells of modernity being 
diffracted by Mayan technologies that can perhaps set the stage for indigenous 
futurism(s). And as always it starts with a stick:

The Big Nose tells a story:

One day I was waking with La Mar (The Sea), the deepest and wisest of the 
Zapatistas, when we saw a young child running about shouting: “Todos a la 
consulta!  Todos a la consulta!” A young Tojolabal boy, Pedrito, apparently 
rallying all the towns folk to a local consulta, or local assembly meeting. The 
village is in assembly when a military airplane from the Army Rainbow Task 
Force and a helicopter from the Mexican Air Force, begin a series of low 
flights overhead. The assembly does not stop; instead those speaking merely 
raise their voices. Pedrito is fed up with the menacing air-craft, and he goes, 
hyper-fast, in search of a stick inside his hut. Pedrito returns with a piece 
of wood, and declares: “I’ m going to disturb the airplane; it’s bothering me.” 
When the plane passes over Pedrito, he raises the stick and waves it furiously 
at the warplane. The plane then changes its course and leaves. Pedrito says 
“There now, that good.” He drops the stick and continues to rally his 
community. I, the Big Nose, slowly move towards the stick that Pedrito left 
behind, and we pick it up carefully and give it scientific consideration: 
length, weight, texture, smell and taste. I, the Big Nose, turned to La Mar and 
said, “it’s a stick!” “Yes, she said, it’s a stick” Now the Mexican Air Force 
helicopter was now above me. Trying to remember what Pedrito did, I swing at 
the air with the stick. Suddenly the helicopter from the Mexican Air Force 
turned into a useless tin vulture, the sky parted, the sun came up, and 
everything became like golden marzipan.”  “But it’ s a stick,” I, the Big Nose 
say. “Yes, it seems like a stick,” says La Mar (the Sea), “it is also Mayan 

The stick breaks Modernity's spell while playing with its technology and 
allowing something else take place in the seeds of time-song of algo [  ] 
rithms to occur.

From: empyre-boun...@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au 
<empyre-boun...@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au> on behalf of margaretha haughwout 
Sent: Monday, November 18, 2019 12:51 PM
To: soft_skinned_space <empyre@lists.artdesign.unsw.edu.au>
Subject: [-empyre-] Welcome to Week 3: MODERNITY'S SPELL

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