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(apologies for X-posting)

Dear -empyre- subscribers,

I am thrilled to announce that my new edited book ‘Digital Dynamics in
Nordic Contemporary Art’ (Intellect, 2019) is out!


‘Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art’ marks the first
comprehensive, English-language exploration of art’s contingent evolution
with technology and digital culture in the Nordic region. The book provides
new art histories from specific regional areas and on the emergence of
different artistic cultures and networks in the Nordic art scenes to fill
the gap within the existing narratives surrounding global contemporary art
and digital culture. The book explores the role of art in response to
changing sociopolitical realities in the welfare state and in the wider
world, while also going beyond familiar depictions of ‘Nordic aesthetics’
in art. Topics include: digital materiality, sound, interactivity, art
institutions, new Nature, virtual worldmaking, art and biology, Nordic
noir, among others. This publication includes first-hand perspectives by
pioneering and pivotal artists as well as chapters penned by leading
scholars and curators of Nordic art. ‘Digital Dynamics in Nordic
Contemporary Art’ recasts the Nordic art context in an expanding digital
condition and reveals horizontal ways to write its histories.


Using the book as a starting point and expanding on its themes, the larger
dissemination project–Digital Dynamics: NEW WAYS OF ART–aims at exploring
and problematizing the role of art and digital culture in sociopolitical
issues and the environment in and beyond the Nordic region. This project
includes talks, articles, art exhibitions, and performances. NEW WAYS OF
ART is a growing project that welcomes new formats, outlets, and

For more on the BOOK and on NEW WAYS OF ART, please visit www.

With testimonials by artists including (among others)

Matti Aikio, Laura Beloff, A K Dolven, HC Gilje, Marianne Heske, Ewa
Jacobsson, Mogens Jacobsen, Lundahl & Seitl, Egill Sæbjörnsson, Jacek
Smolicki, and Jana Winderen.

Chapters <http://digitaldynamics.art/chapters/> by

Tanya Toft Ag, Jamie Allen, Laura Beloff, Budhaditya Chattopadhyay, Jonatan
Habib Engqvist, Bernhard Garnicnig, Elizabeth Jochum, Ulla Angkjær
Jørgensen, Jens Tang Kristensen, Mads Dejbjerg Lind, Björn Norberg, Margrét
Elísabet Ólafsdóttir, Jøran Rudi, Lorella Scacco, Morten Søndergaard,
Mette-Marie Zacher Sørensen, and Stahl Stenslie.

Table of Contents, Foreword & Introduction:


Please contact me if you are interested in acquiring the book for your
libraries/schools/art spaces/etc., or if you are interested in individual
chapters as teaching materials.

Tanya Toft Ag, Ph.D.

Editor of *Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art* (Intellect, 2019)

-Book details-

Digital Dynamics in Nordic Contemporary Art

Edited by Tanya Toft Ag, 2019

Published by Intellect, distributed by Chicago University Press and John
Wiley & Sons

ISBN 9781783209484
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