
  The tunnel method draft indicates that an anonymous TLS ciphersuite
should only be used in accordance with the server unauthenticated
provisioning mode described in RFC 5422. This is unfortunate because
the technique described in RFC 5422 requires changes to an existing
EAP method, which is unnecessarily confusing, and it is also susceptible
to attack.

  I propose we fix this problem by defining a server unauthenticated
provisioning mode in the draft itself, something similar to the technique
used by TEAM.

  To do this there are a couple places that need to get touched.

  - Section 3.2 says,
     "Other ciphersuites MAY be supported.  It is RECOMMENDED that
      anonymous ciphersuites such as TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA only
      be used in the context of the provisioning described in [RFC5422]."

    I suggest it say,
     "Other ciphersuites MAY be supported.  It is REQUIRED that anonymous
      ciphersuites such as TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA only be used
      in the context of the provisioning described in <new section>."

  - Adding a new section to describe the technique. I suggest making
    this a new 3.4 and bumping 3.4-7 to 3.5-8. New section should read:

    "3.4 Server Unauthenticated Provisioning Mode

    "In Server Unauthenticated Provisioning Mode, an unauthenticated
     tunnel is established in phase 1 and the peer and server negotiate
     an EAP method in phase 2 that supports mutual authentication and
     key derivation that is resistant to dictionary attack. This
     provisioning mode enables the bootstrapping of peers when the
     peer lacks a strong credential usable for mutual authentication with
     the server during phase 1.

    "Upon successful completion of the EAP method in phase 2, the peer
     and server exchange a Crypto-Binding TLV to bind the inner method
     with the outer method and ensure that a man-in-the-middle attack has
     not been attempted.

    "Support for the Server Unauthenticated Provisioning Mode is
     optional but to ensure interoperability, an implementation that does
     support Server Unauthenticated Provisioning Mode MUST support
     TLS_DH_anon_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA as a TLS ciphersuite and MUST
     support EAP-pwd [RFC 5931] as a phase 2 method.

    "Other anonymous ciphersuites MAY be supported. Phase 2 EAP
     methods used in Server Unauthenticated Provisioning Mode MUST
     provide mutual authentication, key generation, and be resistant
     to dictionary attack."



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