On Wed, August 24, 2011 5:19 pm, Sam Hartman wrote:
> EAP-PWD has not met process hurtles that are important for IETF
> standards.

  Thanks, in part, to you.

>            In particular there are a number of approaches for doing that
> sort of password method; we haven't decided that's the one we want to
> use.

  That's right "we" haven't decided on One Way To Do It(tm). Nor are
"we" planning to. So you're appealing to wait for the conclusion of a
process that does not exist and has no plans of being started? That's

  There are security properties that you said you agreed are important.
I am suggesting to use a method that satisfies those properties for the
purposes of interoperability. Just because you don't like my choice
(and apparently "we" haven't used a non-existent process to choose)
doesn't mean the security properties should be downgraded.

> If EAP-PWD had the sort of deployment MSCHAPv2 had, I'd support an RFC
> 3967 down-ref to it: the market has spoken and MSCHAPv2 has significant
> deployment.

  I refer you to section 4 of RFC 3967, "On the other hand...."

>               However, a normative down-ref to EAP-PWD would be an
> end-run around the question of whether EAP-PWD is the method that does
> approximately what it does that we want to recommend.  That decision
> should be faced directly not as part of some other spec.

  I can assure you that EAP-pwd is "the method that does approximately
what it does". That is tautologically true.

  First you were opposed because it amounted to a normative reference to
an Informational RFC, but that's not a consistent position to take (see
RFC 2104). So now it's that "we" haven't decided on what password method
to use. But "we" have not decided to use MSCHAPv2 or EAP-GPSK to handle
password authentication either. Using either of those is likewise an
"end-run around the question [of] what we want to recommend." But for
some reason you bring these flawed protocols up as alternatives to

  So why are you really opposed to protocols being resistant to
dictionary attack?


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