On Thu, August 25, 2011 10:32 pm, Glen Zorn wrote:
> On 8/26/2011 4:22 AM, Dan Harkins wrote:
>>> 3) I think MSCHAPv2 is an entirely inappropriate MTI for this
>>> mechanism. I brought that up as an example about how under certain
>>> conditions the fact that something is the kind of thing the IETF
>>> standardizes but is never the less informational should not block a
>>> downward reference. I was attempting to explain my thinking on the
>>> process issue to you, not to suggest MSCHAPv2 for this document.
>>> Apparently I failed to explain my thinking on the process issue.
>>   I completely missed that. Sorry. But if the IETF standardized a
>> wholly inappropriate protocol like MSCHAPv2 (it doesn't even generate a
>> shared key)
> Please check your sources & refrain from spouting nonsense; if EAP-pwd
> is really so wonderful you shouldn't need to disparage other work, it
> should stand on its own merit.

  I stand corrected. That must be why draft-zorn-emu-team proposed using
MSCHAPv2. Oh wait, it didn't. It proposed using EAP-pwd.

>> then I really don't understand your opposition to EAP-pwd.
>> MSCHAPv2 became widespread solely due to Windows.
> Hardly.  The fact that the IETF was busy a) insisting that there was no,
> and never would be, any need for dynamic key generation (let alone
> mutual authentication) in network access protocols (specifically PPP;
> how could there be, since the only appropriate usage of PPP was to
> connect two routers which can easily be configured with telnet) and b)
> waiting with baited breath for the magical genesis of the universal PKI
> (which would happen because IPsec required it & that hamstrung niche
> protocol was so wonderful that the world would change to satisfy its
> requirements) certainly had a lot to do with it.  MS-CHAPv2 succeeded
> because it satisfied a need that the IETF was simultaneously too
> ignorant and arrogant to see.

  That's great Glen. You accuse me of disparaging other work and then
you go and disparage other work. "Do as I say and not as I do". OK,
I promise.


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