On Jul 31, 2023, at 6:00 PM, Eliot Lear <l...@lear.ch> wrote:
> We're not quite done.  The following text needs to be removed, an additional 
> example added:
>> If there is no Phase 2 data, then the EAP
>>    server MUST reject the session.  There is no reason to have TEAP
>>    devolve to EAP-TLS.

  The intent was clarified in the next paragraph:

Note that the Phase 2 data could simply be a Result TLV with value
Success, along with a Crypto-Binding TLV and Intermediate-Result TLV.
This Phase 2 data serves as a protected success indication as
discussed in {{RFC9190}} Section 2.1.1

  i.e. TEAP with outer client certificate and no Phase 2 crypto-binding seems 

> IoT devices need a way to authenticate as TEAP is EAP-TLS under nominal 
> conditions.  When a certificate is about to expire, then the expectation is 
> that either the client will issue a PKCS#10 request or the server will issue 
> a request action TLV with PKCS#10, so that the client knows the server wants 
> it to renew.


  Perhaps the text could just remove the last sentence about devolving to 

  Alan DeKok.

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