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On 25/04/2014 22:19, Daniel Kahn Gillmor wrote:
> [skipping a bunch of discussion covered elsewhere in the thread and jumping
> directly to the UI/UX proposals]
> On 04/22/2014 05:00 PM, Philip Jackson wrote:
>> What about some consideration of the time elapsed since [valid] status
>> was conferred ?
> Is this the right time limit that a user should be interested in?  what 
> about duration since last use or something like that?  compare the two 
> following scenarios:
> i certified Joe's key a year ago and we never exchanged any e-mails (signed
> or otherwise) after that.
> i certified Mary's key a year ago and we exchange encrypted/signed e-mails
> every week.
> time elapsed since [valid] status conferred is the same in both cases.
> I agree that a time limit indication could be useful, but it should 
> probably be "time since last observed/used" or something like that. that's
> a little trickier to count, unfortunately, and i'm not sure if the extra UI
> complexity is worth the tradeoff.  but it's certainly worth considering.
I think you're probably right.  I certainly follow your reasoning in the
scenarios above.  My worry is that auto-encryption may lead to blindness to
these 'validity' issues on the part of some users.  In the implementation,
some warning should be given to induce a measure of paranoia in the user, to
cause him to reflect and perhaps recheck.

>>> * if the user manually chooses to encrypt the message when some users
>>> are not [valid, then the non-[valid] icons should be highlighted or
>>> made bigger or flash or blink or something to draw attention to them.
>> With a help message when the cursor is hovered over the icon.
> yes, that would be great.
>> and perhaps if the time since {valid] status was conferred is greater
>> than some specified interval, something like this -- "it is x months
>> since you accepted this key/userid as valid, are you sure you still want
>> to use it or would you like to re-check?"
> if the user said "i'd like to re-check", what do you think enigmail should
> do?
If the user is caused to pause and to re-check, then ideally the mail should
not be sent.   There is then the possibility to give the sender some options :

- - destroy the mail
- - park the mail in plain text in the Thunderbird 'drafts' box while awaiting
further instructions (supposing the computer is considered to be safe from
- - park the mail in the 'drafts' box encrypted with the owner's own key if the
sender fears that casual observers may have access to his machine.

I don't know if these options are possible actions for enigmail to do without
changes to Thunderbird.


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