On Tuesday 25 Nov 2003 10:28 am, Andrew Elcock wrote:
> Well, spent a small ammount of time getting icons setup and associations
> etc set and damn is it feeling good!
> If it would be possible to crack this non-updating transparency I would
> be amazingly grateful - or perhaps you couls remind me of where to look
> to try it myself!
> Also I was wondering is it possible to ignore a window class? I have
> three blanks, the enlightenment pager etc and gkrellm, kinda fancy not
> seeing them...
> screenie at:
> http://gallery.codewordt.co.uk/enlightenment/osxdocker
if you can make sure that you've got an xapp.png _somewhere_ in your icon 
paths, than the docker will use that png for windows that it can't recognise. 
it's just that i'm usually working within a kde environment (oh, the 
shame...) and kde iconsets tend to use xapp.png as the miscelleny icon.
> Thanks muchly,
> Andrew
Thanks again.

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