Attached is the result of a first cut at a nightly build script.  Early
days, baby steps, don't pick over the little details.  We can start
with the basics and work up to more features later.

For now I can run this on my boxen while it gets developed further.
Move it to the E servers and volunteer boxen when it's more mature.

Currently it only compiles stuff that uses autofoo.  Some things are
skipped, mostly due to being deprecated or broken and unmantained.
Most of what is skipped is in misc.  Everything in e17, misc, and
e_modules is included except for the e17/test and e17/docs directories.

Do we need more information, less information, actual build logs to be
stored somewhere, etc?  Throw in e16, eterm, e17/test, and e17/docs
just for completion?

I think a nightly email to this list would be the most useful, just
stashing the results away on the web somewhere makes it too easy to

For the curious, I'm modifying to do this, as I'm very
familiar with it.  I've discussed this with morlenxus, and we have
agreed to add a few things to to make it better for this
type of work.

Remove need to be root/use sudo.
Support things that don't use the autofoo three step.
Add qemu / scratchbox support for hardware / OSs we don't have test
boxen for.
Maybe create .rpm files on RPM based distros and .deb files on Debian
based distros.

BTW, while on the subject of automated testing, I've been asked if E17
supports accessibility stuff.  Apparently he wanted to use a particular
automated GUI test system that uses that.  As far as I know, we do not
support that.  Any thoughts?
Build log for Enlightenment DR 0.17 on 2007-07-17 08:46:27 +10

Ubuntu 6.10 \n \l

Linux cluster 2.6.17-11-generic #2 SMP Fri May 18 23:39:08 UTC 2007 i686 GNU/Linux

autoconf (GNU Autoconf) 2.60

automake (GNU automake) 1.9.6 (GNU libtool) 1.5.22 Debian 1.5.22-4 (1.1220.2.365 2005/12/18 22:14:06)

imlib2                       autogen make gendoc install ok
edb                          autogen make install ok
eet                          autogen make gendoc install ok
evas                         autogen make gendoc install ok
ecore                        autogen make gendoc install ok
embryo                       autogen make gendoc install ok
edje                         autogen make gendoc install ok
efreet                       autogen make gendoc install ok
epeg                         autogen make gendoc install ok
epsilon                      autogen make gendoc install ok
esmart                       autogen make install ok
emotion                      autogen make gendoc install ok
ewl                          autogen make gendoc install ok
engrave                      autogen make gendoc install ok
etk                          autogen make gendoc install ok
etk_extra                    autogen ERROR
etk-perl                     no
etox                         skipped
evoak                        skipped
evolve                       autogen make ERROR
exml                         autogen make install ok
enhance                      autogen make install ok
imlib2_loaders               autogen make install ok
e                            autogen make install ok
e_dbus                       autogen make install ok
e_phys                       no
e_utils                      autogen make install ok
eclair                       autogen make install ok
edje_editor                  autogen make install ok
edje_viewer                  autogen make install ok
edvi                         autogen make install ok
eflpp                        no
elation                      autogen make install ok
elicit                       autogen make install ok
elitaire                     autogen make install ok
emphasis                     autogen make gendoc install ok
empower                      autogen make install ok
engycad                      autogen make install ok
enity                        autogen make gendoc install ok
enscribe                     skipped
enterminus                   autogen make gendoc install ok
entice                       autogen make gendoc install ok
entrance                     autogen make install ok
entrance_edit_gui            autogen make install ok
evfs                         autogen make install ok
entropy                      autogen make install ok
epdf                         autogen ERROR
ephoto                       autogen make install ok
estickies                    autogen make install ok
etk_server                   skipped
euphoria                     no
examine                      autogen make gendoc install ok
exhibit                      autogen make gendoc install ok
exorcist                     no
expedite                     autogen make install ok
express                      autogen make install ok
extrackt                     autogen make install ok
gfx_routines                 skipped
iconbar                      autogen make install ok
imlib2_tools                 autogen make install ok
med                          skipped
ruby-efl                     no
Evas_Perl                    no
Imlib2_Perl                  no
camE                         skipped
eflame                       no
elapse                       autogen make ERROR
embrace                      skipped
engage                       autogen make install ok
enotes                       skipped
enthrall                     no
envision                     autogen make install ok
epbb                         skipped
eplay                        skipped
equate                       autogen make install ok
erss                         skipped
esmart_rsvg                  no
feh                          autogen make install ok
lvs-gui                      skipped
nexus                        no
pesh                         no
notgame                      skipped
rage                         autogen make install ok
scrot                        autogen make install ok
webcam                       skipped
alarm                        autogen make install ok
bling                        autogen make install ok
cpu                          autogen make install ok
deskshow                     autogen make install ok
emu                          autogen make install ok
flame                        autogen make install ok
forecasts                    autogen make install ok
language                     autogen make install ok
mail                         autogen make install ok
mem                          autogen make install ok
mixer                        autogen make install ok
moon                         autogen make install ok
net                          autogen make install ok
news                         autogen make install ok
photo                        autogen make install ok
rain                         autogen make install ok
screenshot                   autogen make install ok
slideshow                    autogen make install ok
snow                         autogen make install ok
taskbar                      autogen make install ok
tclock                       autogen make install ok
uptime                       autogen make install ok
weather                      autogen make install ok
winselector                  autogen make install ok
wlan                         autogen make install ok

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