
On Nov 11, 2007 1:26 PM, dan sinclair <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Like I said before we'd have to change our workflow to enjoy all the
> > benefits of the decentralized nature of git. However, talking to
> > Raster (on IRC) he had a very strong opinion of staying with CVS or
> > changing to SVN (unlikely, though).
> GIT has it's own downsides. The main one, and a big one for us I
> think, is that it will make people go off and develop features and
> just bomb the trunk with them. Chunks of code that are too big to be
> reviewed. I know people currently use the commit list to review
> patches as they go in, and we send around patches before they're
> committed. DVCS has a tendency to break this model.

People wouldn't have to bomb the trunk with big patches full of new
features. We could use more the mailing so people could submit series
of patches for features and the responsible would integrate them
(either using the patches in the e-mails or pulling directly from the
author's tree). I'd say we just have to somehow adjust our workflow to
extract the most from git. And I do believe it's all for the better.

> There are a couple of good articles by the SVN guys about this
> behaviour:
> http://blog.red-bean.com/sussman/?p=79
> http://blog.red-bean.com/sussman/?p=20
> http://web.mit.edu/~ghudson/thoughts/bitkeeper.whynot
> So, while GIT might be great. I don't think it's the right fit for E
> development. At most, I'd say go to SVN but even then, CVS works. It
> has its limitations but they're limitations we know and we've already
> figured out how to deal with.

Yes, it might not fit for E development where we just use CVS as a
central repository (almost like backup only). How many of you have
used "cvs log" for something useful? Have you seen "git log" or even
"git log -p"? I do dare to say that we could develop better if we
really used a good SCM and adopted good practices.

> For people that want to use GIT on top of CVS, feel free. There is a
> bit more pain but it's do-able.

Yep, we're doing that already.

-- Ulisses

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