On Saturday, 10 November 2007, at 15:46:44 (+0100),
Michel BRIAND wrote:

> everyone noticed that CVS is so slow, and that's prevented devs from
> tagging releases in the past.

Rubbish.  Nothing has kept devs from tagging releases in the past
except the fact that they simply didn't do it.  Every Eterm release
for quite some time has been tagged.

As a non-developer, you don't know what we can/can't do or why things
have/have not been done a certain way, so don't act like you do.

> It could sounds a bit hard but since the project has became (to our
> satisfaction) larger, there are more devs, and consequently there
> are more code clashes ;). In that way, everyone should think about
> "how the rest of us would handle my changes?".

Define "code clashes."  If you mean "conflicts," I question how you
would know that since you do not commit code and could not have
experienced another developer's code conflicting with code you were
going to commit.

> We went looking into tck/tk, perl/tk, xmessage, .... and a lot of
> "dialog" tools programmable from the command line, on Linux,
> Solaris, HP-UX, ... And as you probably know it's a mess ;o)...
> Beside this we always wondered why the "Open file" dialogs in all
> graphical toolkits (gtk, qt, kde, ...) were so different, so far
> from the user, ....
> If EFL file dialogs were usable in shell scripts it would be great.
> Device handling facility (open usb disk of my E17 desktop, sending a
> picture back to my desktop through bluetooth if I had E17 on my
> mobile, ...) would be great also ;).
> So designing a good set of very basic "dialogs" with the very focus
> of ergonomics in mind should be a central thing in e+evfs+desktop
> future.  Keeping the efficiency of EFL, portable as it is, fast,
> beautiful, simple ....

So far you're the only one who's expressed interest in such a thing,
so the onus is really on you to follow through with it.

> Looking at major end user interface, one can see that Compiz-Fusion,
> in the Linux world, is becoming the favored desktop for a lot of
> people, and, in the Windows world, you should agree that Windows
> Vista has became nice to look at ;)....

I don't see what that has to do with anything....


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Linux Server/Cluster Admin, LBL.gov       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "When I was in prison, I was wrapped in all those deep books.  That
  Tolstoy crap.  People shouldn't read that stuff."
                            -- boxer Mike Tyson on what he read before
                               he decided he preferred comic books

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