
On Mon, 2008-05-12 at 12:59, Atton Jonathan wrote:
> On Sat, 10 May 2008 22:17:52 +0200
> Stefan Schmidt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > 
> > Personally I can't understand from a look at the panel what
> > connection is active and used. eth2 and eth3 both have IP address
> > assigned. Which one is the one in use? Both? Describing that eth2,
> > why do we need to know the device name, is a wireless device would be
> > helpful. Only after looking at the config window I realized that the
> > satellite antenna is an icon for the wifi card.
> > 
> both are used :), but only one has a default route.

Hmm, how can I see that?

> > Bar for network strength for wifi or gsm/3g networks would be helpful,
> > too.
> > 
> in fact in the screenshot I m connected to the wireless network "hehe"
> and you can see the quality of the network. :)

My mistake. I have seen that you were connected to the "hehe" wifi
network. Want I meant was one strength bar. In ratio with the current
strength. Horizontal. Also the strength as number would be helpfull.

I like the vertical bar approach you used for smaller areas. Like
phone displays, but we have enough space there anyway.

Again, that is somethoing that can be adjusted with a theme. Nothing
that is code specific.
> > People can learn the meaning of stuff they see or they can just
> > understand it because it is easy enough. I prefer the later. Lazy guy.
> > :)
> I suppose it's the difference between Gnome and Kde ^^

What do you mean here?

Stefan Schmidt

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