On Fri, 1 Aug 2008, Michael Jennings wrote:

>> I agree. And that's exactly the opposite of raster's way of leading
>> the project. He said that a lot, btw : he does NOT want to impose
>> things to committers.
> So why are you afraid he'll do so?

i am not, it's the contrary. I just want that some important things must 
be discussed first. Web site is a very important one.

I will be happy if one day, raster say : "in 2 weeks i want embryo 
to be released. So we (the devs) must do everything so that embryo has 
those stuff (he gives a list of things to do) fixed within 2 weeks"

he would impose us something that is good for the project (imho).

>> I will never be offended by something that is imposed if i am warned
>> first.  If i'm warned and I does nothing, then it's my fault. If one
>> impose me without warn me and I don't like, I will say why i do not
>> agree.
> It sounds like you feel someone is *already* imposing something on
> you.  Is that correct?

The way Ian exposed the web site stuff, yes. Just a little sentence. If he 
had followed that sentence by "I'll send a mail about that in one week 
after i have think of the web site", i would have been happy. It's maybe 
what he wanted to do, but i prefered to mentioned that.

>  If so, perhaps if you could explain what has
> been done that you feel is imposing on you, it could be corrected.  I
> don't think Inc is trying to impose his will on anyone.

ha, already exposed above.

>>> A "community" is "a body of people having common rights,
>>> privileges, or interests."  That says nothing about everyone having
>>> to have everything they do approved by committee before they're
>>> allowed to do it.  If that were the way things worked around here,
>>> we'd never get anywhere.
>> I do not agree, i have another view of a community than yours.
> Well, that's the dictionary definition of community, so...  :)

haha, nice one :) I disagree with a dictionnary :)


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