On Mon, 04 Aug 2008 17:44:22 +0200 Kim Woelders <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Not that I think my opinion is particularly relevant or that it will 
> help in one direction or the other, but I'll just state it anyway:
> I think there should be One License for The Enlightenment Project.
> I think the One License rule should be enforced strictly.
> If people have code they don't want to place under The License for
> The Enlightenment Project they should take it elsewhere.

One True License makes sense for a collection of libraries like EFL, so
I agree.

> I'd prefer The Licence to be BSD.

I really don't care which it is.  I contribute code to open
source projects I want to, regardless of particular licence used.

> If it is possible to obtain no objections to switching ALL of The 
> Enlightenment Project to LGPL, ok then let's switch.
> However, I don't think there is any chance this is going to happen.

Let me state again, it will be impossible to change license.  One of two
things MUST happen to change - 

A)  Every single author that contributed code must agree to the
change.  There is ample evidence from these discussions that this
simply will NEVER happen.  Too many people are sticking to their guns
about sticking with the current license.  No amount of argument will
change their minds.  On top of that, the off list email I mentioned
before that tried to get opinions from all those authors proved one
thing, we cannot track them all down anyway.

B)  Given that A) is impossible, someone has to go through the entire
codebase and audit it for code that cannot be relicensed and replace it
with code that can.  This is not going to make our small number of
active developers more productive.  It will be a huge effort, and will
simply not be worth it.

> I think it would be *really* nice soon to put an end to all this
> license talk for some time to come.

Yes please.  Stop wasting our time with copious arguments over
something that will either not be possible, or such a big effort that
it is counter productive.  Let's spend our valuable time on coding.

/me seriously considers telling his email client to ignore the license
flame wars.

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