On Thursday, 08 October 2009, at 11:51:32 (+1100),
Carsten Haitzler wrote:

> ok. time to chime in. waaay waaay back... back in the early days. no
> one other than motif set those hints. many others understood them
> and did it so apps that asked for no borders got them, but NO ONE
> claims to be a motif. icewm, sawfish, windowmaker, ... ALL of these
> understand mwm hints, and display no borders. i can find other wm's
> that did the same. metacity is a modern one for example.  but e did
> too (e14/15/16 days). support the hint and not provide motif wm info
> hints. no one set motif wm info because no apps required it - they
> ASSUMED mwm hint support. that was the actual common - if not 100%
> behavior case (it was universal that i saw).
> so as such history says "doesn't matter if the motif wm info hint is
> there, the wm probably supports it, and likely hasnt set that hint"
> as NO ONE sets it other than mwm (that i know of or can find) out of
> all the wm's that actually support it. if you google for
> _MOTIF_WM_INFO you will find a tonne of distro and app bug report
> systems all patching out the motif wm info checks from eterm (and
> urxvt) as they simply dont work in the common case.

They're actually all from the same few people/threads.  (I did that
search myself.)

> i'm not saying that the eterm code is technically wrong. the problem
> is you are not going to go change 5, 6, 7, 8 or more wm's to
> suddenly provide the _MOTIF_WM_INFO hints. everyone is patching the
> reverse. removing it as it is "moot" because the wm's "everyone
> uses" (notice in quotes) suports the hints, but doesnt advertise
> being mwm.

Well, something does.  On my system, and every system I've ever used,
something sets that property.  Maybe it's in X itself; I always
assumed it was E, but maybe not.

> now i'd say that the sensible thing would be to remove the mwm info
> property checks as the "real world" doesnt work like that. standards
> or no standards, when the vast majority of the world is working
> counter to the standard, the standard is bunk. it is no standard
> anymore. standards are in the end what the vast majority of software
> actually does.
> so again - don't get this wrong. im not saying you are technically
> wrong. the code simply gets in the way of most users by being to
> pedantic. people are actively patching it out and working around it
> just for eterm. they are not patching their wm's. i think the time
> has come to just let this one go and forget about being pedantic.

I need something to check for; otherwise, I can't be assured of a
borderless window just because I ask for one.  I see _MOTIF_WM_HINTS
in ecore_x.  Should I be checking for that instead?


Michael Jennings (a.k.a. KainX)  http://www.kainx.org/  <m...@kainx.org>
Linux Server/Cluster Admin, LBL.gov       Author, Eterm (www.eterm.org)
 "She had a need to feel the thunder, to chase the lightning from the
  sky, to watch a storm with all its wonder raging in her lover's
  eyes.  She had to ride the heat of passion like a comet burning
  bright, rushing headlong in the wind, down where only dreams have
  been, burning both ends of the night."
                                        -- Garth Brooks, "That Summer"

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