On Tue, 2 Mar 2010 10:20:18 +0100 (CET) Vincent Torri <vto...@univ-evry.fr>

> Hey,
> I've attached a tarball containing the evas sink for gstreamer, a small 
> test example and a small video (ogg/theora, 48 frames). You must have 
> gstreamer and gstreamer-plugins-base dev packages to build everything
> 1) Create the directory ~/.gstreamer-0.10/plugins
> 2) make (to build the sink and the test, and install the plugin)
> 3) ./test (to run the test)
> The plugin is not complete yet, but it's a good start. What is remaining, 
> mainly, is to managed YUV files and maybe adding mor properties. I'll add 
> it later.
> Question: should this sink goes to emotion dir, or gstreamer repo ? That 
> is, could it be used elsewhere (like in webkit-efl, for example) ?
> Vincent
> PS: thanks to Nicolas Aguirre for his help with cond/mutex. I'll never 
> understand that stuff...

imoh - it probably belongs in emotion... but right now its a rgb(a) sink only
which means its really not of any great use. once its yuv... you can finally
get acceleration for yuv->rgb+scale (right now yuv->rgb will be done by
gstreamer in software and then if you use evas's gl engine - u could get
scaling accel - but its an rgba upload of pixels - and as such thats 32bit per
pixel not the 12 bits that yuv would be - so more than double the upload
bandwidth). i'd say make it do yuv and put it in emotion as part  of the
gtsremaer module. expose the sink to gst runtime inside emotion (it doesnt need
a .so installed if u supply your own sink from the app - right?)

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