On Sat, Oct 23, 2010 at 8:06 PM, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
<barbi...@profusion.mobi> wrote:
> Hi all, sorry taking so long to reply, but I was out of network access
> + time to do it before. Find the answers inline, and I'm ignoring
> couple as people already made good points on the rest of the thread.
> First, a disclaimer of what is being done and some "why"s:
>   - before going alpha we're reviewing the API. That includes some
> get_something becoming something_get, missing consts... some methods
> that returned their internal list of items (Eina_List) are being
> converted to return iterator-like pattern of _first_get + _next and
> _last_get + _prev.   --> THIS WILL BLOCK 1.0, thus will be done before
> it.    IF YOU FIND SOMETHING HERE, let us know.

One point here.

I think that all functions that get/set selected items from widgets
could be called
And all functions that get if the item is selected could be called

For now, we have elm_<widget>_item_selected_set to set the select
widget, but elm_<widget>_item_selected_get have the behavior depending
of the widget. :-(

This night I had fun with Elm Toolbar and I took my suggestion as truth.

>   - some widgets were contributed without actual theme, or themes
> that could not be released to svn and Raster requested that we did a
> quick/simple theme for them. Most of those you complain. Okay, some
> could be a bit better looking, but their ugliness do not block a
> release, it's gfx work that can be changed later without major
> worries.
> On Fri, Oct 22, 2010 at 3:02 PM, Dave Andreoli <d...@gurumeditation.it> wrote:
>> 2010/10/21 Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri <barbi...@profusion.mobi>:
>>> On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 9:08 AM, Davide Andreoli <dave...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>>> Ok I have to say this: I'm really in disappoint whit this annunce!
>>>> I dont think elementary is ready for this.
>>>> At least for my experience every time you write an app using elm you need 
>>>> to patch/break/add stuff to elm itself. So freezing api is an hazard.
>>> Well, it was expected. So far there was no applications using the lib,
>>> which is quite a "path to failure". Then we got Enlil, Ephoto, Eve,
>>> Enjoy and Envision to use it, then we realized some problems and are
>>> almost done fixing them (toolbar/menu). Also spotted room for
>>> improvements by providing default layouts to be used, they got in.
>>> Other than that, what do you see?
>> Ok I'm at home now, I will try to list the first stuff that I have in mind:
>>  * The first problem I see is that we need to define what API means in
>> elementary.
>> I think we have at least 3 different api to take in consideration
>> (with api I mean
>> stuff that need to be constant trough releases): the normal C API, the theme
>> API and the EXTERNAL api.
>> The C api is probably in a good shape,
>>but the EXTERNAL stuff still need a lot
>> of work (quite half of the widgets are implemented, and they could expose 
>> much
>> more properties).
> missing EXTERNAL widgets or parameter is no big goal. Adding more will
> not break api, it's much like yet-another-binding and although it's in
> SVN I'd say they can lag behind such as Python and JS does.    However
> I think that with some community help we can bring them to shape!
> The code is super-simply, a rough sed can be enough to get a new
> widget. Adding missing properties is also easy, but just do for those
>> Also we are not considering the theme API, lots of people seems to make 
>> custom
>> themes for elm widgets, this means that if we change somenthing in the edc we
>> can break existing apps in a bad way. We will also need some docs around 
>> this.
> theme stability. I'd say this does NOT block 1.0, it would be good to
> have, but I don't see it happening that soon, if ever. Let's face it,
> to make such themes rock stable that would require a major bump
> whenever you break their interface, either we'd cap down the whole
> widgets and make them stupid as GTK/Qt with introduction of new
> widgets to make a fit for missing parts/signals/messages on the one
> that should have it, we'll have a system nobody would like.   If we
> stop and try to brainstorm all possibilities of every widget, we'd
> also never release and if ever do it, do a bloated nonsense thing.
> HOWEVER, themes are quite stable for core widgets and they'll not
> change radically soon, maybe some pad/fingersize expander gets added,
> or scale... but that's it.
>> In the end I think that for a release we need to define well all those 3 
>> APIS.
>>  * Lots of widget need a good rewrite/cleanup:
>> FLIP: The animation of the flip widget should be themeabe, not
>> hard-coded as they are now,
>> that kind of animation can be easily done directly in edje. This
>> require quite a
>> full rewrite of the widget
> Agreed, but from the user perspective, it's the same API. We're not
> ever freezing the internals. As for the theme part, as I said before
> we're not freezing it anytime soon (maybe not even 3.0).
>> COLORPICKER: the test is really ugly, why the colored arrows stratch
>> in that way?
> just fix it. someone forgot to set min/max... and for the alpha
> checker/pattern it also need better values for tile without stretch.
>> DISKPICKER: wtf is this? if we want a rotation we need to make a
>> rotation not a strange
>> font size/ellipsis trick...I really hate this widget, it doesn't seems
>> a disk either....
> Well, to tell you the truth we don't like it as well. That was
> demanded to get in by raster, the original code had to be redone to
> get in EFL standards, and their theme could not be released to public.
> So raster said "fix the code, do some theme for it" and that's what
> got in.   I guess the idea was to have something like iPhone's
> combobox.
>> FLIPPICKER: Does this have to be 2 different widgets, we should just
>> have one 'picker'
>> widget, and then disk, flip or whatever should be just a theme/style stuff.
> Agreed, but I guess no time to join both now :-/ Or anytime soon. If
> people get to merge them, fine, but I don't see this as blocking a
> release. These widgets are much like special purpose, could even be an
> elm_extras library if people agree.
> BTW, if people are getting to these pickers "unification", you need to
> consider different pickers require different number of entries to
> show. Usually they're constrained by 3, but some can use 5 (previous,
> previous, current, next, next). It would be good to have a way to
> declare how many the C should set in edc... maybe by means of data
> item?
>> HOVERLIST/HOVERSEL Do we need to drop hoversel in favor of overlist? they 
>> seems
>> exacly the same widget
> as said by Nicolas, they're different. And the original code we got
> was VERY different. Gustavo Lima and I discussed to figure out a way
> to do it properly using hover infrastructure and so it is.
> However, the elc_hoversel could use elc_hoverlist. It would be
> basically just a wrapper around it with a button.
> Glima: you forgot a couple of methods in hoversel, and the icon thing
> should just set a string. See Leandro's toolbar/menu for reasons (if
> you implement a desktop using popup windows, you can't move one object
> from a canvas to another).
>> MAGNETSLIDER do the same work as TOGGLE. One of the two need to go away.
> ehehehe... we had exactly the same discussion at ProFUSION when we got
> this widget. But there is a difference that we really don't know why
> it is required: it's tri state! :-(
> yes, the magnetic properties for magnetslider could be also
> implemented into toggle, making it harder or easier to get to the
> other side (ie: to avoid accidental changes).
> but adding 3 state to toggle would break its principle of a boolean
> value. That's why it got in.
>> SLIDER I'm not on it atm but I remember it was an hell to make a
>> custom style, probably
>> the theme must be fixed. (it use a system like html tables...)
> don't think so, we have it done in efenniht and it is simple.
>> PHOTO/GENGRID do we need the PHOTO widget anymore? aren't the same?
> As said by Rafael, nothing to do. But we could do some extensive work
> to make elm_image capable of everything elm_bg/elm_icon does, maybe
> even elm_photo (frame + action/signal).   However, making those
> complex would help?  I guess they are simple enough, with purposes
> clear enough (maybe image/photo are not, then should be joined).
>> * We must try to keep down the number of the widgets, they must be
>> general widget, dont
>> make a widget for every think (look at the iPhone api, you can do
>> everything with 10 widgets!)
> 1000000% agree with you. But we need help, as such we'll likely have
> the current number. We're trying to avoid adding more, like the
> hoversel that actually reuses thing, or the one we're redoing to use
> toolbar instead another toolbar-like widget.
>> * What about selection in entries? is there a way to select the
>> text?...maybe I missed it.
> yes, as Sachiel said. Rafael Fonseca is working on profiles and it
> should define a better default for desktop.
>> * The test app must be more 'sexy'. It's the first thing a developer
>> will see, and usually
>> is the one that make you choose if you will use the  tk or not. We
>> should remove numbers
>> and explain what the test serve (look at list4 for example, ehat does it 
>> test?)
> I guess every test should have a description string of what it does
> and what's expected, yeah.
> but test != demo. We could use a demo app for sure, but as said above,
> if we don't even have time to do what's required, a demo is not any
> close to becoming priority.
>> Targetting elm at 1.0 means that we are satisfy as we are for the
>> others libs that are 1.0
>> (evas, edje, ect)  ....  do we are? I dont think so.
> it is, for a while already. The key thing that was missing was focus,
> it's in place now. So even desktop will have some proper usage.
> if you consider the other libs, although they are 1.0 they're not the
> final-never-changing target. Evas could use more vectors, filters, ...
> but it's not there. Edje could use better lua support, but still not
> there. And they're going 1.0.
> Although Raster keep saying that he'll target 6 month releases from
> now on, I'm actually pushing for 3 month releases, much like kernel
> guys do. The reason is that we avoid going into the same trap we're
> now: "wait a bit, I want this in... if I miss it, it will take +6
> months to get it public" then the release is delayed, and
> yet-another-thing shows... and 10 years are over :-)   3 months you
> can be more strict, as it's not that far.
>> Btw I'm impressed of the work done on elm in the last few days, so I
>> start thinking that
>> planning a release is a good choice.
>> What about releasing elm as 0.5 ?
>> Than we can breaking stuff going to 0.6, 0.7 and so on, until 1.0
> what's the fucking problem with 1.0, god damn cursed number? we're
> already using it, we know it work, we just want to let people know
> that, thus 1.0 as they seem to not trust anything else for an unknown
> reason.
> we'll get 1.1, then 1.2... with the current design, even if we make
> the so called "guarana + elementary" merge, enabling widgets to be
> inheritable by means of a Smart Class superset, we'll not need to
> release an 2.0. The public api is what matters at this point.
> --
> Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri
> http://profusion.mobi embedded systems
> --------------------------------------
> MSN: barbi...@gmail.com
> Skype: gsbarbieri
> Mobile: +55 (19) 9225-2202
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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ProFUSION embedded systems

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