I would be happy to help with whatever minimal time/resources I have.
Demos and hands on hacking are a BIG YES. They linger on for longer time. I
can make time for one demo app / use case.

I am a bit concerned about having it right after one conference gets over,
keeping in mind the attention span and energy levels of people.
Better option would be to have an "efl track" -

But the deadline is already over : 2011-10-27: Deadline for devroom requests

And of course, "the press" is important too - to ensure sufficient coverage.


-----Original Message-----
From: Stefan Schmidt [mailto:ste...@datenfreihafen.org] 
Sent: 31 October 2011 19:09
To: enlightenment-devel@lists.sourceforge.net
Subject: Re: [E-devel] FOSDEM 2012


On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 13:13, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:25:47 +0200 Philippe Caseiro
> <caseiro.phili...@gmail.com> said:
> >how many people would be willing to some to en e/efl specific "econf" -
> if we schedule it for 2 days following fosdem for example? if we get some
> conference facilities etc.
> what i'd like to see here:
> 1. open invite to anyone who wants to attend
> 2. e developers or anyone involved in e in general giving
> presentations/demos/speeches.
> right now i think we'd manage 2 days of content at best and might have to
> with a smallish budget - but we have to start somewhere.
> this would be open for both developers AND user to attend - or anyone
> invite people from fosdem to come if they want. Hello E devs.
> i'd like to do a quick canvas on how many people would like to attend to
see if
> this is worth it?

So we have some people. Enough to organize such an event? For people
coming in by plane or need to take some days off work it would be good
to know early if it will happen. :)

Lets see what we would need:

o Presentations
o Demos
o Hands on hacking
o Roadmap discussion

This can all be prepared if date and location is fixed. If nobody else
steps up I volunteer to organize the program part (please step up
someone ;)).

o Two days following FOSDEM was suggested.
o Makes sense as some people will already show up for FOSDEM and can
just stay two days longer.
o Other options? (Linuxcon in Barcelona could work but thats november)

o Biggest problem I would say.
o What kind of facility would we need?
  o Conference hotel would be to expensive without sponsor.
  o Anyone knows some better facilities in Brussels?
o Anyone living in Brussels or nearby who could take care of handling
  the location organization?

Location is the hardest part. Without someone from Belgium, best
directly in Brussels, who can handle this everything else would be
mood. Sure, we might get a developer room at FOSDEM, but the chances
are really small. Brainstorm and people power for the location is what
we need now. Suggestions?

Stefan Schmidt

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