On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Stefan Schmidt wrote:

> Hello.
> On Mon, 2011-10-31 at 12:57, Vincent Torri wrote:
>> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011, Stefan Schmidt wrote:
>>> On Thu, 2011-10-27 at 13:13, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
>>>> On Fri, 30 Sep 2011 16:25:47 +0200 Philippe Caseiro
>>>> <caseiro.phili...@gmail.com> said:
>>>>> how many people would be willing to some to en e/efl specific "econf" - 
>>>>> maybe
>>>> if we schedule it for 2 days following fosdem for example? if we get some
>>>> conference facilities etc.
>>>> what i'd like to see here:
>>>> 1. open invite to anyone who wants to attend
>>>> 2. e developers or anyone involved in e in general giving
>>>> presentations/demos/speeches.
>>>> right now i think we'd manage 2 days of content at best and might have to 
>>>> live
>>>> with a smallish budget - but we have to start somewhere.
>>>> this would be open for both developers AND user to attend - or anyone else.
>>>> invite people from fosdem to come if they want. Hello E devs.
>>>> i'd like to do a quick canvas on how many people would like to attend to 
>>>> see if
>>>> this is worth it?
>>> So we have some people. Enough to organize such an event? For people
>>> coming in by plane or need to take some days off work it would be good
>>> to know early if it will happen. :)
>> I won't be able to come after FOSDEM. I have to work on monday. Maybe
>> update the wiki to list people who can come after FOSDEM
> Would be nice. Still I would someone to enlight me how to register at
> the wiki. I still can only find a login but no register button.
> Neither an edit button (maybe onlky available when logged in). Is
> there some magic I'm missing?

it seems that the link has disappeared :)

i've asked in IRC about restoring it


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