
Just found some time to test out this patch against todays svn.

A small conflict due to the addition of the taskbar happens during
applying it. Trivial to fix.

More interesting is a segfault when edje_cc builds the .edj. A
backtrace points to ecore_mainloop and friends used for the SVG stuff.
And indeed, converting the svg to png make edje_cc happy. (separate
mail for the issue)

On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 21:37, Leif Middelschulte wrote:
> find attached another version of the patch. It "works" here, but I
> don't have the ressources to test it properly.
> Known issues:
> Frontend (conf_randr):
> - not pushed into e/demodulized yet
> - dialog has to be resized manually for displays to be proper positioned

Thats a bit confusing at the first time. The display should be changed
to something vendor neutral btw. :)

I only see one output here which seems to be the LVDS of my notebook.
The external monitor connected over DVI and from xrandr detected as
HDMI2 seems to be missing completely. Problems with EDID parsing or
such? Where should I look for debug infos for this?

The setup is a Lenove X220 with a docking station and one monitor
connected over DVI. I can test with VGA the next days as well. xrandr
is happy with detecting it and I'm able to set it up as multi-monitor
with it.

> - segv when closing the dialog because of resize callback of the
> arrengement smart class are called after the dialog's data is freed

Does not happen here.

> - missing icons for policies and orientations
> - missing policy for "ask what to do on connection"
> Backend (e_randr):
> - missing polling backend for events
> - setup storage seems to fail, but should be fixable "soon"(TM).

The popup if one wants to keep the settings seems also to small. The
second counter is not completely visible. The storage button did not
trigger any event and keep and restore have been not always working
for me.

Besides that it looks quite nice.

Need to find out why it does not detect my external monitor the next

Stefan Schmidt

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