
On Tue, 2011-11-01 at 19:01, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> On Mon, 31 Oct 2011 20:35:37 +0100 Stefan Schmidt <ste...@datenfreihafen.org>
> said:
> > More interesting is a segfault when edje_cc builds the .edj. A
> > backtrace points to ecore_mainloop and friends used for the SVG stuff.
> > And indeed, converting the svg to png make edje_cc happy. (separate
> > mail for the issue)
> separate issue indeed - but i didn't see that problem. worked for me. :/

Will be tracked down separately.

> > On Wed, 2011-10-19 at 21:37, Leif Middelschulte wrote:
> > > 
> > > find attached another version of the patch. It "works" here, but I
> > > don't have the ressources to test it properly.
> > > 
> > > Known issues:
> > > Frontend (conf_randr):
> > > - not pushed into e/demodulized yet
> > > - dialog has to be resized manually for displays to be proper positioned
> > 
> > Thats a bit confusing at the first time. The display should be changed
> > to something vendor neutral btw. :)
> a small issue. but there are bigger fish to fry. :)

Agreed, but it asks for unneeded trouble to get it in like this.

> > I only see one output here which seems to be the LVDS of my notebook.
> > The external monitor connected over DVI and from xrandr detected as
> > HDMI2 seems to be missing completely. Problems with EDID parsing or
> > such? Where should I look for debug infos for this?
> did you try restart e after it's plugged in? i have it showing hdmi and lvds.
> this i think is the issue of polling. you need to keep checking for new 
> screens
> with current xorgs to see a new monitor. this is something ifound last patch
> rounf.

Actually I was thinking I did restart e. Will do for sure when I test
again in the evening. Also some more testing with VGA and also on a
different machine with older intel graphics card.

> > Need to find out why it does not detect my external monitor the next
> > days.
> aaaah you haven't gotten to the next phase then... where it's a bitch to get 
> it
> to work at all. i've been trying to drag monitors left and right and they 
> stick
> then reset afterwards. if i select things like "left of" or "right of" and so
> on i find it just doesnt switch screens on apply - dnding the mini-monitors
> around seems pot-luck on a good day - after much clicking, selecting and
> dragging i finally got it to configure hdmi to be left of lvds... but this
> isn't working well right now - not well enough to "go gold". th crash - can be
> fixed. the resizing. can be fixed. i agree with the monitor branding thing.
> also mine are squashed and ultra-wide. but thats gfx. the real issues are in
> this actually working well enough to iron out the lesser issues.

All this has to wait until I can actually can see my different
screens. Job for tonight. :)

> leif - right now it still needs work. the ui and overall direction is right.
> now it actuallly needs to work beyond the "roll some dice" point. well.. here
> is also the bit where i ask you... does it work solidly for you? can u 
> configre
> screens to be left/right/above/below of others reliably with a quick drag +
> apply or select from radio buttons? because it definitely doesnt work reliably
> for me :(

Not gold. That he mentioned himself. The question I ask myself is if
it is good enough to go into svn while being disabled by default.
Would make testing and fixing easier. No idea what Leif thinks about
this. Not a big problem for me anyway can use the patch in a different
branch here for all my testing.

Stefan Schmidt

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