Hi Stefan,

On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 7:05 PM, Stefan Schmidt
<ste...@datenfreihafen.org> wrote:
> Hello.
> On Tue, 2011-11-22 at 17:27, Gustavo Sverzut Barbieri wrote:
>> On Tue, Nov 22, 2011 at 4:31 AM, Carsten Haitzler <ras...@rasterman.com> 
>> wrote:
>> > battery is ok i guess, though if u want it like that, maybe battery should 
>> > be
>> > vertical so it uses less horizontal space? or battery gadget needs to
>> > appropriately rotate battery (use different edje groups maybe) based on 
>> > shelf
>> > size (if very thin then make it horizontal like now but fill the shelf 
>> > height)?
>> > the default looks were all fitting into a square, so this is not coming 
>> > out too
>> > well i think. what do people think?
>> the reasoning behind horizontal battery is that it's on an horizontal
>> shelf, so you have more empty space around it in vertical area, that
>> is more constrained.  I can ask marina to draw new version (actually
>> just the charging icon needs to keep unrotated), but IMO horizontal is
>> visually better as it feels less cluttered.
> It seems I'm one of the small group of people running a vertical
> shelf. For the battery icon I care not much having it horizontal in a
> vertical shelf is fine for me.
> I noticed the clock gadget does not work with detorious and a vertical
> shelf though. It does with the default theme. Not investigated yet. So
> just as heads up.
>> > i'm thinking maybe battery should be inset
>> > like the inset look of the pager/ibar etc.
>> I have a strong dislike for inset. It adds too much visual noise to
>> the shelf, that is already usually small. Right now I'm okay with it
>> just for the systray, because we need it for a solid background due
>> xwindow reparenting.
>> if you have a shelf without insets it looks way cleaner, see the
>> attached screenshot. Even if you make all status (battery, connman,
>> bluetooth, mixer) share the same inset box, you can see from ibar it's
>> not as clean.
> I mostly agree with avoiding inset. My problem with the current icon

I don't like inset too.

> set for mixer and connman in detorious is the to small contrast

Small contrast? Are we talking about the same icons? For me it looks
almost like black in a light gray.

> between the icon colors and the shelf color. This is also a factor how
> fast your eyes are getting tired. The battery icons are better but

Humn... they have the same colors as the others :-\

> they also have a bigger solid area which helps for the contrast.

At least for me, mixer's is bigger than battery's icons. See attachment.

Lucas De Marchi

<<attachment: shot-icons.jpg>>

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