On 29/01/13 10:15, Bertrand Jacquin wrote:
> Hi,
> On e5 you (devs) will get access to some VMs using SSH on multiple
> resources :
>   - SVN (for the moment)
>   - GIT
>   - buildbots (linux, bsd, osx ...)
>   - sandboxes to play with, build your own stuff
>   - futur needs ...
> At the moment we have different solution to let you access to all
> theses VMs :
>   - Using multiple TCP port, one for each VM.
>   - Forcing client to use a special SSH client configuration option in
>     ~/.ssh/config so you will be bumped by the main e5 router / load
>        balancer to the right destination automatically.
>        Host *.enlightenment.org
>          ForwardAgent yes
> I am more enthusiastic to use the second solution as it avoid to use
> ugly URL and the second will need only one modification at the client
> side.
> Thanks for your reply and for what you see the more usable for every
> day.

Wow Beber, that's just misleading and one sided it's amazing.

First of all, you can set the specific port per machine in the ssh 
config, so it's really the same when it comes to convenience in that regard.
Important to mention is that when you'd want to connect to a specific 
host with agent forwarding you'd have to do:
"ssh t...@e5v.enlightenment.org ssh tasn@e5-phabricator1"
Yes, you'll have to remember internal hostnames and type everything 
twice. This obviously won't work nicely with scp, rsync and every other 
thing you might need when you interact with those servers.

Using ports on the other hand means you *don't have to* set the config 
when using such services, and more importantly, ForwardAgent is 
insecure. It essentially means whoever owns e.org owns everyone's 
access, which is *bad*. I don't want e.org to be able to use my 
credentials to log in to my personal server. The implications are just 

Also, it's not true that the second modification only requires one 
modification at the client side. The second modification also requires 
syncing access from all the servers to the main one, which is especially 
annoying in the case of gitolite. Also, this means giving everyone 
access to e5v, another thing we don't want.

The second approach is flawed in so many ways it's just amazing. We 
already talked about it in length, and I'm very disappointed to see you 
just decided to send this one sided mail.


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