On 05/02/13 19:05, Thanatermesis wrote:
>   $ git branch -r
>    origin/HEAD -> origin/master
>    origin/enlightenment-0.17
>    origin/master
> There should be a branch of the 0.17.0 release and another for the 0.17.1 ?
> or maybe in tags... what is the workflow that we should have for
> "development status" (equivalent to up-to-date svn) ? maybe we should have
> a branch for experimental features and another for fixes in a development
> topic (branch) and another for the stable topic ?
> Is this discussed somewhere or not really decided yet ?

There are tags for 0.17.0 and 0.17.1 (actually, not there yet as we did 
this sample repo before the release), and the branch is only 0.17. It's 
the same as what we have now in svn, same methodology in that regard.

At the moment everyone will push to master while being encouraged to 
work in their own branches, nothing is decided regarding the future yet. 
At the moment the status-quo remains.


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