On 06/02/13 01:57, Thanatermesis wrote:
> How will be also managed apps like terminology ? i just switched to the
> release version instead of svn because it seems to fail using the released
> (1.7.5) libs, more specificially with these elm dividers feature

You can change a flag in the terminology sources. To be honest, I don't 
understand why it's not autodetected at the moment.
> So we will need to have different branches per app that are more stable
> and/or compiles with released libs ? what is the idea with this ?

Every project to it's own. We've never had anything like that, and I 
don't know if we ever will. If you/anyone wants, they can maintain a 1.7 
compatible branch in the terminology repo while easily pulling changes 
from master while maintaining compatibility.


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