2014-02-20 11:30 GMT+01:00 Stefan Schmidt <ste...@datenfreihafen.org>:

> Hello.
> On Wed, 2014-02-19 at 14:03, Tom Hacohen wrote:
> > On 19/02/14 13:45, Stefan Schmidt wrote:
> > > Hello.
> > >
> > > Its time for release busy work. For the 1.9 cycle we decided to ditch
> > > ChangeLog and NEWS updates during the development and fill it up at
> > > the end. Thats what I'm starting right now.
> > >
> > > For evas generic loaders and emotion generic players I updated the
> > > NEWS file to the current beta1 state and will update it when more
> > > changes come in. I also added notices to the ChngeLog file that it is
> > > out of date and that people should use git log for fine grained commit
> > > messages. The NEWS file will stay for a high level overview of what
> > > has changed in last release.
> > >
> > > Doing this for the above mentioned projects was plain and easy. If you
> > > want you can have a look here and give Feedback.
> > >
> http://git.enlightenment.org/core/emotion_generic_players.git/commit/?id=861b389b5e4dc0f314e157c4e6ba6c58529be4ba
> > >
> http://git.enlightenment.org/core/evas_generic_loaders.git/commit/?id=a9e051d30df4f0c00bbdd31dd5cf04aee1fd6f1c
> > >
> > > It boils down to looking through the commit list, ignoring all trivial
> > > changes, putting the others into the correct category and maybe
> > > massage some messages. It was plain and easy for these two only
> > > because they had so little commits. Commits between 1.8.0 and
> > > 1.9.0-beta1:
> > >
> > > (Git hint for number of commits between two tags:
> > > git rev-list v1.8.0..v1.9.0-beta1 --count)
> > >
> > > Emotion Generic Players: 12
> > > Evas Generic Loaders: 10
> > > Elementary: 532
> > > EFL: 725
> > >
> > > The pure numbers show that it will be way more difficult for me but
> > > that my problem. You problem might be that your fancy new feature
> > > might not get the attention it deserves. Here is you chance to fix
> > > this. If you or your team added a nice new features or improved
> > > something or fix a serious bug you might want to write some lines
> > > about it here:
> > >
> https://phab.enlightenment.org/w/efl_and_elementary_1_9_release_announcement/
> > >
> > > Bonus points for Stanluk and his team as they already did it!
> > >
> > > If I find good commit messages describing a bigger feature I will also
> > > try to put them in the release notes. If your commits messages suck
> > > your contribution might be only one line in the NEWS file instead a
> > > nice reading in the release announcement. Your chance to fix this. :)
> > >
> > > Please also take some time to proof read the release notes wiki page
> > > as well as the NEWS files once I have them ready and pushed. Its easy
> > > to have mistakes comming in here.
> >
> > Good job, and yeah, you have your work cut out for you.
> >
> > By the way, I think it's time to start discussing the 1.10 release
> > schedule, changes to the process, and lessons learned from the 1.9
> release.
> Some intial random thoughts on that. More shoudl follow once I formed
> a better opinion:
> o The three months looks like a reasonable timeframe. Enough stuff
> pilled up and not to frequently.
> o The jury is still out on the two merge windows I would say. My
> feeling is that the second merge window makes the  first stabilization
> phase uninteresting for people. Hard to say if that is true or not.

I have the same feeling about the first stabilization period: people (me
do not give it the necessary attention. IMO is better to concentrate on the
final one, so I'm with you to make the last one 3 weeks long, or either
for me would be better.

> o Having three weeks for the final stabilization would be  better
> imho. Maybe cutting the second merge window by one week for it?
> o I need to be crystal clear on the freeze dates. Not being so makes
> people grumpy. My bad, but easy enough to fix.
> o Mondays are good for the cut off dates as it gave me the workday to
> work on parts of it and on the other hand it allowed people to finish
> things over the weekend.
> o I let some things slip through but in general I was happy to see
> that people did not try to sneak things in. Good job.
> o The release is not out yet but from my view I think the new 3 months
> schedule was a success. Obviously I'm biased on that so please form
> your own opinion. :)
> > One of the things I'd love seeing in 1.10 that will make your life much
> > easier is tagging changes in the commit log. So for example, having
> > #fix/#feature in the commit log will indicate a fix and a feature
> > respectively. I went with the hashtag, because that's what people are
> > used to from the web world, however we can use whatever identifier we
> > would like. It's good to have a unique identifier, because it's easier
> > to grep.
> Tagging could be helpful but the first line needs way more thinking
> and love in any case. I'm going through a lot of these right now when
> working on the NEWS file. Some examples that make many of the first
> line summarires useless:
> o Out fo context. The line might be clear when you write it in your
> current thinking but has little to no meaning if someone else reads it
> after some months. e.g "Fix rounding bug" (made up example because I
> don't wanted to blame specific people. But its near enough to what I
> see)
> o Missing work area. What I and others do is putting the work area of
> a commit at the first place e.g. "eina/list: Fix appending of list
> items" This helps a lot to set the corect context.
> o Summary lines are way to long. Please try to have them 80 chars
> max. Don't put full 20 chars function names in them or try to squeeze
> the whole commit message in it. Its just the summary line.
> I know all this makes it way more time consumping to write the summary
> line and commit message. Still I think its worth the time. We have to
> work with this in the future as well better have something we can make
> sense of at that point. :)
> regards
> Stefan Schmidt
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