On Wed, 12 Mar 2014 12:20:43 -0400 Robert Heller <hel...@deepsoft.com> said:

> With code like this:
>    Evas_Object *o;
>    o = edje_object_add(e_comp_get(m->zone)->evas);
>    evas_object_name_set(o, "menu->sw_bg_object");
>    evas_object_data_set(o, "e_menu", m);
>    e_theme_edje_object_set(o, "base/theme/menus", 
>                               "e/widgets/menu/default/background");
>    m->sw_bg_object = o;
>    sm_object = e_start_menu_realize_inwindow(m,m->sw_bg_object);
>    edje_object_part_swallow(m->sw_bg_object,"e.swallow.content",sm_object);
>    m->cur.w = 350;
>    m->cur.h = 420;
>    m->cur.x = 0;
>    m->cur.y = 0;
> And later (in the idle handler):
>    evas_object_move(m->sw_bg_object,m->cur.x,m->cur.y);
>    evas_object_resize(m->sw_bg_object,m->cur.w,m->cur.h);
>    E_LAYER_SET(m->sw_bg_object,E_COMP_CANVAS_LAYER_MENU);
>    E_LAYER_SET(m->container_object,E_COMP_CANVAS_LAYER_MENU);
>    evas_object_show(m->sw_bg_object);
> e_start_menu_realize_inwindow() contains:
>     Evas_Object *o;
>     /* Create the menu container, an Elm Table widget. */
>     o = elm_table_add(canvas);
>     m->container_object = o;
>     elm_table_homogeneous_set(o, EINA_FALSE);
>     elm_table_padding_set(m->container_object, 5, 5);
>     evas_object_size_hint_weight_set(o, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND, EVAS_HINT_EXPAND);
>     evas_object_size_hint_align_set(o, EVAS_HINT_FILL, EVAS_HINT_FILL);
>     evas_object_name_set(o, "menu->container_object");
>     evas_object_intercept_move_callback_add(o,_e_intercept_container_move,m);
>     evas_object_intercept_resize_callback_add
> (o,_e_intercept_container_resize,m); elm_object_focus_allow_set
> (m->container_object, EINA_TRUE); elm_object_focus_set ( m->container_object,
>     /* e_start_menu_realize_inwindow() then populates m->container_object 
>      * -- eg create more elm widgets and pack them with 
>      * elm_table_pack(m->container_object, ...) calls -- standard stuff 
>      * straight out of the elementary docs.
>      */
>     /* Finally: */
>     /* Return the container. */
>     return m->container_object;
> This code works, but the widgets in m->container_object have a *transparent*
> background, that is, for some reason 'm->sw_bg_object' is ending up as
> transparent, even though "e/widgets/menu/default/background" isn't defined as
> transparent (as far as my understanding of the menu.edc file in the theme
> goes). I don't want that. What do I need to do to NOT have a transparent
> background?  Should I be using a *different* theme group? Am I missing a 
> edje_object<mumble> function call somewhere?

you're missing some information here. or confused. yes - normally menu items we
have in e are transparent (widgets IN m->container_object... ie inside of it,
not the container itself or the bg object which is a parent). this is what is
designed and wanted so the menu background (bg object) shows through, UNTIL a
menu item is selected, then it becomes "solid" (dark black with some gradients,
shadowing etc.). that's the way it's designed, but then later you're talking
about the menu background being transparent... which it is not by default. for

so is it that your menu background is transparent .. and that's your problem, or
that the items themselves are transparent and you see through to the menu

i do have some q's - why do you set move/resize intercepts on the table? you
want the emnu bg to swallow your table and control it... why not just let it do
that? also be aware using elm objects in e's canvas like this will mean certain
things are going to be iffy - like focus handling, so i'd suggest skipping that
for not (elm_object_focus_* calls - just going to clutter up your code at the
moment). also setting padding manually - i don't suggest that. it won't scale
based on dpi or scaling factors, or finger size etc. i'd suggest not having any
padding,a dn any spacing around items, do that in the theme, not in code (ie in
edc). also you set the name of the container object.. you know if you have
submenus or other menus, with the same name, there can be a clash. i generally
avoid setting object names because they do share a flat namespace. beware. also
tables are not homogeneous by default. no need to set that to false as that's
how they come.

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)    ras...@rasterman.com

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