I figured it out -- it had to do with the layers and the (appearent) 
difference between the E_LAYER_SET() macro and the evas_object_layer_set() 
function.  This is the working incantation (code):

    short bg_layer = evas_object_layer_get(m->sw_bg_object);                   
    short container_layer = evas_object_layer_get(m->container_object);        
    fprintf(stderr,"*** e_start_menu_activate_mouse: bg_layer is %d, 
container_layer is %d\n",bg_layer,container_layer);
I need to do an E_LAYER_SET on the *container_object*, which is an elm_table
widget, swallowed into sw_bg_object, a Edje object
("e/widgets/menu/default/background"). *Then* I need to use
evas_object_layer_set() to set sw_bg_object's layer to be just below the
container_object. If I use E_LAYER_SET only on the sw_bg_object, nothing
*visible* happens. If I use E_LAYER_SET on both the sw_bg_object and the
container_object, I get a transparent background (sw_bg_object is not seen).
If I use E_LAYER_SET on only the container_object, I get the proper
background, but it is at too low a layer (other windows are above it as shown
in http://www.deepsoft.com/home/layersetcontaineronly/). But the 'trick' of
using E_LAYER_SET on the container_object and then using evas_object_layer_set
with a layer one level down on the sw_bg_object works correctly. I don't know
if this is a bug or feature...

At Wed, 19 Mar 2014 16:42:13 -0400 Robert Heller <hel...@deepsoft.com> wrote:

> At Fri, 14 Mar 2014 12:18:49 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman) 
> <ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:
> > 
> > On Thu, 13 Mar 2014 21:37:10 -0400 Robert Heller <hel...@deepsoft.com> said:
> > 
> > > 'canvas' is the second argument to e_start_menu_realize_inwindow(), that 
> > > is
> > > the background object. Maybe that is wrong? What is the correct way to 
> > > get a
> > > Evas_Object pointer to use as the 'canvas' for creating elm widgets on?
> > > Somehow I need to get from the Evas pointer to the something to create 
> > > elm 
> > > widgets on.
> > 
> > any object will do - it gets the canvas from the object.
> >
> OK, I *think* I know what is going on.  The table widget does not itself have 
> a backgroud -- it get that from its 'parent', (eg an elm_win widget or 
> something).  The thing here is that the table does not have an *elm* widget 
> as 
> a parent.  Its 'parent' (such as it is) is a bare Edje Evas_Object.  
> Basically 
> I am creating a Edje Evas_Object and setting it up as a menu background:
>     /* Create a window, and realize the menu in it. */                        
>     o = edje_object_add(e_comp_get(m->zone)->evas);                           
>     evas_object_name_set(o, "start_menu->sw_bg_object");                      
>     evas_object_data_set(o, "e_start_menu", m);                               
>     e_theme_edje_object_set(o, "base/theme/menus",                            
>                                "e/widgets/menu/default/background");          
>     m->sw_bg_object = o;                                                      
> And then using this as the parent object when I create the table:
>     /* Create the menu container, an Elm Table widget. */                     
>     o = elm_table_add(canvas); /* canvas IS m->sw_bg_object */
>     fprintf(stderr,"*** e_start_menu_realize_inwindow(): elm_table_add(%p) 
> returns %p\n",canvas,o);
>     m->container_object = o;                                        
> And finally I am using edje_object_part_swallow() to swallow the elm_table 
> into the background object.  I'm guessing this is wrong.  I need to do 
> something different somewhere, but I am unsure what I should be doing.
> There isn't any good documentation on what is the proper way to use elm
> widgets with Enlightenment itself. The Enlightenment 'widgets' (and even more
> primitive e_<thing> things) leave lots to be desired and are poorly documented
> and are effectively depreciated -- eventually Enlightenment will move to use
> Elementary (elm) widgets, so there must be a proper way to do this. Or at 
> least there is a contemplated way of doing this. What is it?

Robert Heller             -- 978-544-6933 / hel...@deepsoft.com
Deepwoods Software        -- http://www.deepsoft.com/
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