
o Many Jenkins jobs had trouble since February. Last week I was able to 
get most of them back into building so our reports are actually up to 
date this week.
o The dropped coverage rate looks bad on a first view but I finally got 
our coverage reports to take all files into account so we get accurate 
numbers and this is where we stand today.
o Some more elm Coverity issues but a lot being worked on in E for 
example (Thanks Mike). We are down to 118 in total for the 7 projects we 
are checking.

This should give everyone an overview over what has happened in the last
week on the QA front. The numbers in parentheses reflect the values from
last week to give you a trend.

o Overall build statistic: 8.51% (12.71%) failed.
Unit tests:
o 595 (593) unit tests for efl

o EFL total coverage is at 29.3% (35.0%) lines, 33.6% (39.5%) functions 
and 23.2% (N/A %) branches

o EFL: Outstanding defects 92 (95) with a density of 0.11 (0.14)
o Elm: Outstanding defects 12 (2) with a density of 0.02 (0)
o Evas Generic Loaders: Outstanding defects 0 (0) with a density of 0
o Emotion Generic Players: Outstanding defects 0 (0) with a density of
0 (0)
o Enlightenment: Outstanding defects 12 (39) with a density of 0.04 (0.14)
o Terminology: Outstanding defects 0 (0) with a density of 0 (0)
o Rage: Outstanding defects 2 (2) with a density of 0.04 (0.04)

o Total bug count: 838 (819)
o Pending patch reviews: 115 (108)

Stefan Schmidt

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