On Wed 22 Oct 2003, Hall Stevenson wrote:
> At 11:41 AM 10/22/2003, Ibukun Olumuyiwa wrote:
> >An excellent example of how not to piss of a developer. Hope you enjoy the
> >insults as much as I did. :) Suffice it to say that I won't bother to
> >answer his questions now, or ever.
> To some extent, I have to agree with "Hisham". Your reply was pretty 
> lame.... Hallvar offered to *help* you and all you said was that it's ALPHA 
> software, you're on your own, and so on. Why do you have it available then 
> ?? For people to use or for people to help you code it ?? Again, Hallvar 
> offered to help you and you blew him off.

First off, go back and read my repliy and you'll notice I put a smiley at
the end of that statement so that you would realize it was a lighthearted
comment -- I guess you'd be humor challenged not to realize that "blow up
your hard drive" was a joke. Secondly, a lot of the session handling code
is still under development and as a matter of fact we're still discussing
the best way to implement them, so don't start to cry a river if I refuse
to attend to a particular user's problems at this point. And don't send me
a nastygram just because I didn't either.

And one more thing -- if you wish to assist the development effort, send
messages to enlightenment-devel or mail me privately. Don't expect
developers to discuss development issues on the e-users list: entrance is
NOT for regular users and has not been released as such. It is in CVS so
that developers and testers can access it, as are the rest of the EFL

Ibukun Olumuyiwa

"Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy
getting get understanding." - Proverbs 4:7

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