On 6/20/06, Michael Jones <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  [...]

>  That said, there's nothing stopping anyone from setting up their own site
> with a wiki focused on e-17

there would be little point in setting up such a wiki if there is no
link to it from the official e websites, no one would know about it's

>  For example, if I am running a 3 month old build of e, and I try to do
> something that consitently causes e to crash, I might just be tempted to put
> on that wiki that e won't work with app xxxx.
> [...]

I can see your point, altought I have seen many useful wikis used in
development projects.

I only hope the idea gets re-evaluated once e17 is stable.

>  [...]


"Aspetto un'emozione sempre piu' indefinibile" (CCCP Fedeli alla linea)

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