As is apparent here:

It works fine with current svn of e17 & efl (as of this writing). I 
would try updating to the latest and greatest that you can...(ideally 
from svn, but you have already stated that you don't want to do that) :)

If the problem does persist for you, the only way we can really be of 
help would be if you had a gdb backtrace of the crash (which would 
require installed from svn and building with -g, etc, etc).

In case you feel brave one day ;) here is a link to getting backtraces :)


On 04/17/2010 10:09 PM, Joe(theWordy)Philbrook wrote:
> On 4/10/10 a: pacman -Syu :destabilized e17's run command dialog on my
> Arch Linux installation.
> Yes I know e17 is still under heavy development, so I can't
> expect it to be completely stable. But I thought I should bring this
> up even though I found a workaround that works for me.
> And I know this "could" be a distro specific problem... But I don't think so 
> because:
> To quote from the Arch wiki:
> ->  Arch provides non-patched, vanilla software; packages are offered from
> ->  pure upstream sources, how the author originally intended it be
> ->  distributed. Patching only occurs in extremely rare cases, to prevent
> ->  severe breakage in the instance of version mismatches that may occur
> ->  within a rolling release model.
> However I am a multi-Linux/multi-boot kind of guy, who in each and
> every distro I install, heavily depends on their package management
> system to keep me out of dependency hel^Hck... ;-7
> And e17 is definitely one "package" that I wouldn't even attempt to
> install by hand.
> But of all my currently installed distros, Arch is the one that seems
> most likely to install an unadulterated upstream package, rather than a
> distro specific {modified} version.
> Thus I don't think the fact that the only e17 on my laptop that this has
> happened to, is the one in Arch, automatically makes it a distro specific
> issue. It probably only means the Arch e17 is more accurately updated...
> At least that's mt best guess.
> I'm not really sure what was the e17 version number that I installed to Arch
> sometime since my mid March initial installation of Arch itself, but as
> of now the e17 "help about" lists it as "Enlightenment 0.16.999.063".
> Prior to this recent "pacman -Syu", e17's run prompt worked normally.
> Afterwards it's become fussy what the first character I input into it is.
> That is to say, I usually start opera via the run prompt and when I type "o" 
> the
> command history displays the last instance of the command And I can in fact
> start opera. Yet I also use firefox {though I usually start that from inside
> alpine}. The other day I tried to start firefox from the run prompt. But as 
> soon as
> I typed an "f" into the first character position of the command input field,
> I got a pop-up error telling me that "Enlightenment SEGV'd" That also
> advised me to compile everything with "-g in CFLAGS" So far, the the restore
> button succeeds in restarting e17 without closing any open applications...
> But of course firefox didn't start. I can start firefox from an xterm. And
> I tested that I can type "of" into the run prompt without an immediate SEGV
> But I can't type an f as the first character. I haven't tested the whole
> alphabet, BUT I did find I can't type a command starting with "b" or "/" as 
> the
> first character either. Though just because I'm stubborn I can tell you that 
> I can
> start firefox [via e17's run prompt] with: "~/../../usr/bin/firefox" (go 
> figure)
> I did say I've got a work around that works for me... Since I've also got
> XFCE installed as a back-up desktop, I've reassigned the keybinding I used
> to use to pull up e17's run prompt with, to "/usr/bin/xfrun4". Which works
> just fine.
> I don't know if this is a known issue or a new one. But I thought I
> should mention it.

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