On Tuesday 06 Dec 2011 00:45:26 Alex Baer wrote:
> Am Montag 05 September 2011, 10:17:34 schrieben Sie:
> > On Sun, 4 Sep 2011 12:26:04 +0200 Alex Baer <comet.fri...@gmx.net> said:
> > > Hi there,
> > > 
> > > e17 is great, and as I build the latest version from trunk once a
> > > month,
> [...]
> > > 2. Menu language
> > > Selecting Enlightenment for a menu, alls the applications in my system
> > > are included in the menu, and in the correct place. Even names and
> > > labels are translated correctly, just like in KDE.
> > > However, one level above in the menu hierarchy are the categories, to
> > > which applications are associated, and these are, unfortunately, always
> > > shown in English, regardless of any language setting or locale. E. g.,
> > > in KDE I see "Büro" as a translation for "Office", but in E17 it's
> > > still "Office". Yet another level up, in the root menu, translation
> > > works, again. Only for the category it doesn't work. Can I change this
> > > with a setting or is this a bug?
> > 
> > do the .directory files referred to contain translations? eg
> > Utility.directory? these normally are provided by your OS and they
> > specify label, icon and translations. i know ubuntu moved all
> > translations out of .desktop (and .directory) files into some other
> > translation databases. i don't actually know how this standard was
> > modified at this stage, but e doesn't support this separated translation
> > setup, so if the .desktop and .directory files don't have translations
> [...]
> Hi Carsten,
> yes, the .directory files do contain translations, and I'd be *VERY*
> suprised, if the Slackware guys would any *buntu specifics... ;) It's a
> small team, and they usually try to avoid distro specific changes or
> patches.
> In Slackware64-13.37 the .directory files are located in
> /usr/share/desktop- directories. Here I find files like
> xfce-multimedia.directory and kde- office.directory. However, I don't find
> anything generic. All files are for either Xfce or KDE.
> So my questions for now are:
> 1. Where does e pick application categories?
> 2. Where would I look for generic (non-KDE, non-Xfce) .directory files?
> 3. How would I go about this, in order to make e use the translations?
> Because, at the moment, I have
> (English) Menu > Applications > Office > LibreOffice (Writer)
> (Germen)      Hauptmenü > Anwendungen (correct!) > Office (should be: Büro) >
> LibreOffice (Textverarbeitung) (correct!)
> Sorry for bothering again with this, and thanks for your patience!

Did you try:

  locate .desktop


  find / -name *.desktop

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