On Thu, 8 Dec 2011 23:30:43 +0100 Alex Baer <comet.fri...@gmx.net>

> Am Donnerstag 08 Dezember 2011, 07:24:36 schrieb Mick:
> [...]
> > 
> > > > > But for the categories in the Applications menu, e seems to
> > > > > refer to
> > > > > 
> > > > >       /etc/xdg/menus/enlightenment.menu,
> > > > > 
> > > > > which contains only English text. If I remove this file from
> > > > > here, I have a German applications menu!!!
> > 
> > Hmm ... what happens if you leave that file well alone and you set
> > your menu to either KDE or XFCE using the GUI (Settings Panel/
> > Menus/ Menu Settings/ Applications/ Menu Settings)
> I cannot choose Xfce here, only Enlightenment or KDE. I guess, with
> Gnome installed, this would also be in the list, but none of the
> smaller DEs (Xfce, LXDE, etc.). If I choose KDE, categories are in
> English, everythin else uses the current locale. If I choose e, I
> have no entries in the applications menu. As Raster explained in his
> reply to my first post regarding this topic, the e menu option is
> supposed to be only a fallback option, in cases when nothing else is
> available (hope I got it right).

I should point out that the entire menu system was designed by
freedesktop.org, (FDO), largely under the guidance of the GNOME and KDE
developers.  The distros have designed their menus around that system,
but following their own guidance.  Not many have taken into
consideration the smaller groups of people using other desktop
enviroments / desktop shells, / window managers.  Certainly I don't
think anyone took into account Enlightenment DR17, which has not been
released yet.

On top of that, the entire FDO menu system is a complex morass of
fiddly little details.  It's hard to get it "correct", even harder with
so many fingers in the pie, and especially hard for those outside the
GNOME + KDE behemoths.  Any efforts by us smaller groups have to
somehow work with the likelihood that any given distro has only catered
for whichever of the big two they chose to support.

The specifications include methods for hiding things depending on the
desktop environment in use.  Some of the distros treat that as "it's
either going to be GNOME, or it's going to be KDE", with the result that
others are left in the dark.  There is no guarantee that any specific
distro got things "correct".

Now, we could bypass some of what the distros chose to support, but
then it becomes even harder to figure out where any given distro has
put the various bits of the system we are actually interested in.

Which does mean that when E17 users have to sort out what went wrong,
they find themselves in  a difficult position, facing a rather
confusing set of XML files, environment variables, and default
backup systems, specified by a large and complex set of documents
that they probably have no idea how to find. The same applies to the
other small groups that are not using GNOME or KDE.  E17 can only make
a best effort to sort through it all.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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