On Sunday 02 Dec 2012 16:00:45 Alguien Alguien wrote:
> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
> From: Alguien Alguien <juliocesar...@gmail.com>
> Date: 2012/12/2
> Subject: Full screen: Bad behavior
> To: enlightenment-users@lists.sourceforge.net
> Hi E developers.
> I'm seeing some problems with a couple of apps while in fullscreen:
> VLC: The bottom control panel (play, pause, stop, etc.) does not
> appears when I move the mouse. This is a random behaviour as it
> is not present always.
> XBMC: 1) I can not shutdown/exit/etc. from this app. 2) I can not use
> the control bar (play, pause, stop, etc.) while playing a movie.
> The problem is an area or zone at the bottom of screen where the
> mouse cursor can not move through. As a result I can not click the
> icons/buttons placed there.
> That area is exactly as high as the default E desktop shelf.
> Best regards.

If I understand the OP correctly I see a similar problem here with citrix 
icaclient.  A bit of an edge use case I thought, but it used to work correctly 
some versions back.  When launched the icaclient takes over the whole screen 
of the virtual desktop in which it is launched, and displays the virtual OS.  
If I move away from the virtual desktop that the icaclient is running in full 
screen and then return back to it, the icaclient is now window'ed rather than 
full screen, with title bar shown at the top.  The whole window is displaced 
downwards by the width of the title bar, hiding the bottom of the icaclient 
beyond the end of the screen.  This is a pain, because the bottom of the 
virtual OS running within the icaclient is no longer visible.  The workaround 
for me is to press Alt+'click & drag' the window upward to reveal the 
icaclient OS toolbar at the bottom.

Another problem with this windowing is that the default e17 bottom shelf is 
now visible and on top of the icaclient window, hiding the icaclient OS 
toolbar.  To overcome this I have to press Alt+right click, and then select 
Window/Maximise/Fullscreen (it has reverted to Unmaximise) to be able to 
restore the icaclient window as was.  

I think it would be a better idea if fullscreen windows stay so, rather than 
reverting to Unmaximised when switching between virtual desktops?
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