2014-12-02 19:44 GMT+01:00 Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Toki,
> using your theme I notice that when i hover a checkbox in a form the
> label text becomes blue, which is fine, and the box displays the check
> mark, which of course isn't fine at all :)

Which major gtk+ version... and whidget..?

Well, you should open an issue on issue tracker on github then.

Just a quick check revealed that: gtk-2 menu hover display check/radio
while gtk-3 does not;
and same behaviour in other widget (display check/radio on hover).
This is go along with displaying a button normal/clicked on hover,
although the behaviour is not consistent across widgets and major version.

I don't know what to think about it... Removing button/check/radio state is
Should I remove check/radio/buton state and just highlight only the text

I don't know. Thanks for reporting anyway, even if I was aware of it and
did not
take a consistent decision about it while enabling buton/check/radio state
change in 0.19.0.

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