On Wed, 24 Dec 2014 08:54:29 +0900 Carsten Haitzler (The Rasterman)
<ras...@rasterman.com> wrote:

> On Tue, 23 Dec 2014 18:46:08 -0500 John Holland
> <jholl...@vin-dit.org> said:
> > This led to my immediately stopping being productive and
> > investigating further. I have got my X3 working as a USB DAC under
> > Windows and Linux, it takes a little tweaking to switch from X3
> > back to built in so its hard to do a good A/B comparison. But I
> > like the idea of it and its cool that it works out of the box with
> > Linux.
> > 
> > I've been using ALSA lately as an act of protest over systemd as
> > pulseaudio is by the systemd guy - also lots of audio people seem to
> > have issues with pulseaudio. I was surprised that alsa is actually
> > pretty good in terms of driving HDMI, etc. As I mentioned I have
> > added alsa support to my .debs for E18 on debian wheezy. (actually
> > only requires updating enlightenment deb)
> it's amazing how many people have issues with pulse. i have a
> suspicion that its some insanely vocal minority who just don't want
> to investigate and/or fix and would rather throw everything out. it
> reminds me of the people who refuse to use x11 many years back citing
> all sorts of reasons.
> i have never had somethnig not work with pulse. except once - my
> chromebook 2.which is an arm laptop device. i haven't spent any
> special effort choosing hardware or distros to make it work. it has
> just worked (tm). the chromebook 2 i can understand as its whole
> audio setup is odd when you dig through the low level mixers. it's
> got like 100 knobs to twiddle and after about an hour of swizzling
> them, i finally got sound out of the machine. pulse worked then btw -
> it was the same problem were i to use pulse or not. the low level
> mixers were just not set up right to produce audio and i had to
> fiddle with the alsa mixer levels anyway. once fiddled and saved,
> pulse works.

Pulse has always just worked fine for me to.

A big old stinking pile of genius that no one wants
coz there are too many silver coated monkeys in the world.

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