On 11/06/17 18:50, Peter Flynn wrote:
> On 11/06/17 17:49, Mick wrote:
>> On Sunday 11 Jun 2017 16:26:33 Peter Flynn wrote:
>>> This is puzzling. I wanted a clock on my desktop, so I right-clicked on
>>> the desktop, selected Desktop > Add Gadgets to Desktop and picked Analog
>>> Clock. At that moment, the cursor lost focus (some random background
>>> process stole all the cycles) and I took my finger off the mouse button
>>> and tried again.
>>> Now I have two overlapping clocks in the middle of my desktop. They can
>>> only be moved with Alt-leftclick, and there is no option in any menu to
>>> delete them. How do I get rid of them? Menu > Desktop > Change Gadgets
>>> doesn't work, because it doesn't report Clock being in use.

I just went through every file and directory in ~/.e and there is no
mention anywhere of the analogue clock. But there are three on my
desktop. Does anyone know where their presence is configured?


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