On Sat, 19 Sep 2020 15:06:30 -0700 Marc MERLIN <marc_...@merlins.org> said:

> Sorry for the delay, busy week...
> On Wed, Sep 16, 2020 at 12:51:06PM +0100, Carsten Haitzler wrote:
> > On Wed, 9 Sep 2020 08:49:35 -0700 Marc MERLIN <marc_...@merlins.org> said:
> > 
> > > Update. I hit this occasional bug where after unlocking/screen coming
> > > back from sleep, I could see X, but most of my windows were gone, just
> > > not visible anywhere on my screens.
> > 
> > are they visible in the pager? does switching through virtual desktops fix
> > it?
> I don't believe it did, although I can reproduce this easily.
> > > After E came back:
> > > - all my chrome windows were totally in the wrong place
> > > 
> > > - I have procmeter3 (apt-get install procmeter3), which E has always
> > >   struggled to place and size correctly. It was in the wrong place and
> > >   with the wrong size.
> > >   For procmeter3, I did window remember all, save. When I re-open, it
> > >   gives me window/remember/volume. I put it back to all, save, re-open
> > >   and get window/remember/volume again :-/
> > 
> > id you also use locks to lock procmeter from moving/resizing and remember
> > locks?
> Yes, locks just don't seem to be saved.

it could simply be that the window properties used for remembering change or
are not the same on initial show thus remember and locks cant apply. i hunted
down an aur pkg for procmeter. it's a bit broken (doesn't respect prefix for rc
file that ships with it...) and i set up remember for it position, size,
border ... and it works for me. i even enabled "keep current properties" so it
only remembers when you apply/ok from the remember dialog and it works exactly
as expected. i can disable/enable one of my screens where procmeter is
remembering "current screen" and it migrates to the screen that is left when i
disable the screen it is remembered for, then when i re-enable that screen it
migrates back.

i can restart e all i like and when i check remembers are applied. etc.
etc. ... it's behaving exactly as expected and intended with remembers applies
(position and size). i really don't know what your system is doing that is
different but ... it works perfectly for me. fyi the aur pkg just compiles
procmeter from svn - no patches. this installs procmeter-zaw (and
procmteter3 is a symlink to it) and each has different window name props so
separate remember settings for each... you seem to be using the plain
procmeter3. is the procmeter you have something else other than xaw?

so let's do something simple. run procmeter by hand. close it. run it again,
close it etc. and does it remember every time or not .. or is it random? if it
is random then dumping the window properties (xprop) and see if they differ
between "working" and "not working"?  do you have multiple procmeter remember
entries that may conflict? caching the properties change during mapping is not
going to be possible without basically adding code to e where e fetches icccm
and other properties and have it log what it sees when it looks...

> > > It's actually a fair amount of work for me to re-lay all these windows
> > > carefully (we're talking 20=30mn) plus all the work that I lose when I
> > 
> > just try do it to a few of them, not all. see if it behaves the same. if you
> > can get 2 of them to behave well then that bodes well to get all of them
> > working. that takes less time that it took me to write this paragraph... :)
> yes, some get saved with locks, some do not. I don't understand why.

and what is the difference? are you setting name/class to be difference on the
cmdline in this test? i hope you're not using title as something to remember by.
using role? you were with gnome terminal. "apply_first_only" is the option you
want on if you have multiple instances with the same properties, so only the
first instance is matched and any others are ignored.

> > > restart. If we don't find an answer in the config I sent you, or you
> > > don't have a spare devel machine where you can easily start a single
> > > gnome-terminal to see if it behaves when you make it save settings, I'll
> > > try and find a spare machine where I can do that without impacting my
> > > main work laptop.
> > 
> > gnome-terminal just doesn't start. not on my desktop. not on the laptop
> > next to me. e has nothing to do with gnomes terminal dbus services.
> I'm not sure what you meant by that. Either way, wwere the saved window
> properties, below, helpful at all?

gnome terminal is broken (for me) so there is no way for me to test or run it.
it barfs long before it has to deal with a wm. 

> > > Here's a random gnome-terminal window:
> > >         group "E_Remember" struct {
> > >             value "version" uint: 1;
> > >             value "match" int: 59;
> > >             value "no_reopen" int: 0;
> > >             value "apply_first_only" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "keep_settings" uchar: 1;
> > >             value "name" string: "gnome-terminal-server";
> > >             value "class" string: "Gnome-terminal";
> > >             value "role" string: "window1";
> > >             value "type" int: 8;
> > >             value "transient" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "apply" int: 245247;
> > >             value "max_score" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.pos_x" int: 2;
> > >             value "prop.pos_y" int: 55;
> > >             value "prop.res_x" int: 3840;
> > >             value "prop.res_y" int: 2160;
> > >             value "prop.pos_w" int: 750;
> > >             value "prop.pos_h" int: 322;
> > >             value "prop.frame_w" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.frame_h" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.w" int: 750;
> > >             value "prop.h" int: 322;
> > >             value "prop.layer" int: 200;
> > >             value "prop.maximize" uint: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_location" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_location" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_size" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_size" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_stacking" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_stacking" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_iconify" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_iconify" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_desk" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_desk" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_sticky" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_sticky" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_shade" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_shade" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_maximize" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_maximize" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_fullscreen" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_fullscreen" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_border" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_close" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_focus_in" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_focus_out" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_life" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.sticky" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.shaded" uchar: 50;
> > >             value "prop.skip_winlist" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.skip_pager" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.skip_taskbar" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.fullscreen" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.desk_x" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.desk_y" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.zone" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.command" string: "gnome-terminal-server";
> > >             value "prop.icon_preference" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.offer_resistance" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.opacity" uchar: 255;
> > >             value "prop.volume" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.volume_min" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.volume_max" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.mute" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "pid" int: 0;
> > >         }
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Here's a bit on procmeter3, not sure why this fails to save the window
> > > properties:
> > >         group "E_Remember" struct {
> > >             value "version" uint: 1;
> > >             value "match" int: 35;
> > >             value "no_reopen" int: 0;
> > >             value "apply_first_only" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "keep_settings" uchar: 1;
> > >             value "name" string: "procmeter3";
> > >             value "class" string: "ProcMeter3";
> > >             value "type" int: 0;
> > >             value "transient" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "apply" int: 524288;
> > >             value "max_score" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.pos_x" int: 3695;
> > >             value "prop.pos_y" int: 817;
> > >             value "prop.res_x" int: 3840;
> > >             value "prop.res_y" int: 2160;
> > >             value "prop.pos_w" int: 143;
> > >             value "prop.pos_h" int: 1341;
> > >             value "prop.frame_w" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.frame_h" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.w" int: 143;
> > >             value "prop.h" int: 1341;
> > >             value "prop.layer" int: 200;
> > >             value "prop.maximize" uint: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_location" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_location" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_size" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_size" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_stacking" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_stacking" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_iconify" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_iconify" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_desk" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_desk" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_sticky" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_sticky" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_shade" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_shade" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_maximize" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_maximize" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_user_fullscreen" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_client_fullscreen" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_border" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_close" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_focus_in" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_focus_out" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.lock_life" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.border" string: "pixel";
> > >             value "prop.sticky" uchar: 1;
> > >             value "prop.shaded" uchar: 50;
> > >             value "prop.skip_winlist" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.skip_pager" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.skip_taskbar" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.fullscreen" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.desk_x" int: 1;
> > >             value "prop.desk_y" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.zone" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.command" string: "procmeter3";
> > >             value "prop.icon_preference" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "prop.offer_resistance" uchar: 1;
> > >             value "prop.opacity" uchar: 255;
> > >             value "prop.volume" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.volume_min" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.volume_max" int: 0;
> > >             value "prop.mute" uchar: 0;
> > >             value "pid" int: 0;
> > >         }
> > > 
> > > 
> > > Thanks,
> > > Marc
> > > -- 
> > > "A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" -
> > > A.S.R. 
> > > Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/                       | PGP
> > > 7F55D5F27AAF9D08
> > > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > ------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
> > Carsten Haitzler - ras...@rasterman.com
> > 
> > 
> -- 
> "A mouse is a device used to point at the xterm you want to type in" - A.S.R.
> Home page: http://marc.merlins.org/                       | PGP
> 7F55D5F27AAF9D08

------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------
Carsten Haitzler - ras...@rasterman.com

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