
In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
  Message-ID : <cd9946dc-2dee-685d-089f-b28b2ed38...@gmail.com>
  Date & Time: Sat, 4 Mar 2023 12:47:32 +0100

[MM] == Massimo Maiurana <maiur...@gmail.com> has written:

MM>  'api.libcamera.enum.manager' could not be loaded; is it installed?
MM>  mar 03 17:56:15 diamante wireplumber[2142]: PipeWire's libcamera SPA 
missing or
MM>  broken. libcamera not supported.

Don't you have libcamera installed?
It should require it to be installed due to dependencies.

I really don't understand debian.

Anyway, go ahead and install it.

MM>  Nope, there isn't any:

MM>  max@diamante:/usr/share$ find ./ -name with-pulseaudio -o -name with-alsa 
MM>  -name bluez-monitor.conf
MM>  find: ‘./polkit-1/rules.d’: Permesso negato
MM>  find: ‘./jitsi-videobridge/.java/.userPrefs’: Permesso negato

MM>  bluez-monitor.conf would be present if i'd install pipewire-media-session, 
MM>  here:
MM>  https://packages.debian.org/bookworm/amd64/pipewire-media-session/filelist

If so, do this;

In the Message; 

  Subject    : Re: [e-users] enlightenment audio default device issue
  Message-ID : <87pm9uav3d.wl-nom...@lake.dti.ne.jp>
  Date & Time: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 20:27:18 +0900

[MN] == Masaru Nomiya <nom...@lake.dti.ne.jp> has written:

MN> $ sudo cp 

MN> 4. $ sudo touch /etc/pipewire/media-session.d/with-alsa

MN>  You might need to do this beforehand;
MN>  $ sudo mkdir /etc/pipewire/media-session.d

MN> Next is breaking the curse for bluetooth.

MN>   $ sudo touch /etc/pipewire/media-session.d/with-pulseaudio

Regards & Good Night.

┏━━┓彡 野宮  賢                         mail-to: nomiya @ lake.dti.ne.jp
┗━━┛       "A bachelor’s degree still holds prestige as a ticket to the
               middle class, but its value has received increasing scrutiny.
               In the last several years, rising tuition and student loan debt
               have led more Americans to reconsider an investment in
               postsecondary education."

                                                        -- Washington Post --

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