John R. Sweet wrote:
> 1.  We want text buttons in the toolbar.  Everyone here reads and 
> understands English.  We do not want inscrutable little icons when 
> simple English words will serve better.  This is an option in all 
> versions up to 56 but not in 57.
> 2.  The tab bar belongs /below/ the toobar, next to the pages that it 
> represents, not separated from those pages by a misplaced toolbar.  This 
> too is an option in versions up to 56 but not in 57.
> These should be easy fixes.  Please help me get this request to the 
> developer.

There was a thread on this list last month that mentioned a possible 
'replacement' for Classic Theme Restorer see:

That post stated:

> Apparently, the way forward is to alter the user CSS within the browser
> profile directory. This obviously means that we'll have to figure out
> the deployment en masse manually, but it might be closer to what you're
> looking for:

I've just tried the 'classic' chrome examples with FF 60.0a1 and it 
looks like you can achieve close to what you want by uncommenting the 
following two lines in the userChrome.css file:

  @import url(./css/tabs/tabs_below_titlebar_above_navigation_toolbar.css);

  @import url(./css/toolbars/toolbar_mode_text.css);

James Pearson
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