On 16 February 2018 at 23:31, Emma Humphries <e...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> https://mozilla.github.io/extension-finder/ is a searchable list of
> popular add-ons, and their suggested replacements if they
> haven't migrated to WebExtensions yet.

[OT] It'd be nice if that page would work when Noscript does not trust
the page content.  I don't know whether it's the two Javascript
libraries referenced at the bottom of the page, or the TEMPLATE
elements defined to hold "search" results, but unless I tell Noscript
to trust the page then there is *no content*.  I currently have 224
tabs open .... Firefox 52.6ESR (Debian 8) just doesn't work with that
many tabs unless Noscript is watching my back.

HTML5 is spiffy and shiny but a simple HTML4 [gulp] table would work
with Ctrl_F.

Yes, I may well be a Luddite, but ... 224 tabs ... and no need to
reboot the PC for many days :)

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