We have 64 bit FireFox ESR 52.6.0 on our Macs (OS X 10.11.6. with 8 to 16 GB 
ram).We are using Cookie Controller, HTTPS Everywhere, NoScript, Privacy 
Badger, Tab Memory Usage,  and Random Agent Spoofer.

52.6.0  runs at a satisfactory speed PROVIDED one quits FireFox once per day.  
It works fine to restore all the tabs that were open at the time of quitting.  
Typically, there are 12 to 18 tabs open on our machines, usually on one or two 
windows.  I suspect that there is a buffer management problem that is resolved 
upon quitting and reopening.  After running for 24 hours with about 14 hours of 
active usage, FireFox is using about 1.9 GB of ram, which is not a problem 
provided that one has at least 8 GB ram.

The only annoyingly slow function is when creating a bookmark; there is a 
looooog (about 15 seconds) spinning beachball (which means wait for disk 
activity to complete) delay from the time Bookmarks is open until it is 
possible to click on Bookmark This Page.  This is a minor annoyance in return 
for the ability to maintain the same user interface and the familiar Add-ons.
Could it be that your browser is being overloaded with time consuming web page 
scripts and/or adds?  Try adding Privacy Badger and NoScript; this might speed 
things up. There are many web pages that want to run 20 to 40 scripts, but will 
work just fine with only one or at most a few enabled.

I hope that this helps.
I am not looking forward to training our staff to use a new version of FireFox 
with a different user interface and new add-ons, and will continue using 52 ESR 
as long as security updates are available - which, unfortunately, is not for 
much longer.  Mozilla does not seem to appreciate how much staff retraining 
costs and how badly it disrupts ongoing business.  If the new version had an 
option to have the same UI as the old version, that would help.  It would also 
help if the add-on developers would make the same old UI available, at least as 
an option.  The users don't have to understand how the software works, but they 
do need to understand HOW to use it, and that retraining is EXPEN$IVE!

Durk PearsonSpectrum Technology

      From: Andrei Boros <and...@srr.ro>
 To: enterprise@mozilla.org 
 Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2018 4:29 AM
 Subject: Re: [Mozilla Enterprise] Stupidly Slow Firefox ESR
 I have tried downgrading to FF ESR v52.1.x, based on this recommendation. Both 
32bit version and 64bit version (depending on OS). 
 My results are mixed, so far. FF is still slugish at times, still blocks at 
time, but it is percievably faster and more responsive then FF-ESR-52.6. 
 It is by no means fast, let's just say that 52.6 is horribly sluggish and 52.1 
is bearable.
 On 2018-03-02 7:00 PM, Java Sys wrote:
Summary: Firefox ESR v52.1 even with 26 add-ons runs fast, is stable, and uses 
a low memory footprint - compared to any more recent Firefox ESR releases. 
 We shall stay with this Firefox ESR v52.1as long as seems sensible - and then 
turn to an alternative to Firefox if the Firefox ESR at the time is still as 
slow as, for example, Firefox ESR v52.6.0 (although all these v52.6.0, v52.5.3, 
and v52.2.1 were also unacceptable slow and require far too much memory c.f. 
Firefox ESR  v52.1 ) 
 Like many others it seems, we've experienced a slowing down of Firefox ESR 
over time which recently has resulted in stupidly slow Firefox ESR performance. 
 Initially we tried creating brand new profiles, which helped for a (very 
short) period but slowed back to unacceptable levels within a few days of (our) 
normal usage after re-adding back the 26 add-ons. 
 After reading comments on this list about reverting back to an earlier version 
we tried this with Firefox ESR versions v52.6.0, v52.5.3, and then v52.2.1 - 
all suffered the slow down after some normal usage after a few days. 
 Immensely annoying and very, very time consuming to test, we tried removing 
all add-ons which made a small difference but not for long, we tried disabling 
safe browsing, and then zapping the SB files, again some help but after a few 
days slowing back to treacle speeds again. 
 However, a glimmer of light for us began with a reversion to Firefox ESR v52.1 
which, even with our full complement of 26 add-ons and usual extensions has 
maintained full performance for many days now. 
 I offer this missive aimed at two groups of folks: 
   (a) folks like myself needing a version of Firefox ESR that works well and 
fast, and 
   (b) hopefully the Firefox developers can try and work out where they've gone 
so badly wrong with more recent versions of Firefox ESR, 
        as reverting back to the near magical Firefox ESR v52.1 has been a 
wonderful experience, reliable, fast, and usable again 
          - with many, many tabs (around 100) spread across 8-10 windows here, 
yet still a small memory footprint and I'll say it again, great speed 
          - with ALL our add-ons running nicely too. 
 Please Firefox devs, sort out the newer Firefox ESR performance (speed & 
memory especially) before we all leave Firefox as unworkable. 
 Happy Firefox ESR v52.1 users! 
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 ing. Andrei Boros Colectiv administrare-dezvoltare SITE
 Radio Romania
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