On 21 Feb 2006 at 17:40, Ken Durling wrote:

> Actually the most exciting thing I've seen in a while, certainly from 
> this show, is Nikon's new 105mm f/2.8 Macro with VR.  This is an 
> application of IS that I've thought should be implemented for years, 
> an obvious one.   Let's hope Canon responds!  If they don't maybe 
> I'll buy a D50 or something just so I can use it!  ;-)

You could already even had an IS-bellows, within the Minolta body-
side IS system....:))
(not sure how much lens/focal-length depending it is....but the 
Novoflex bellows at least transfers each contact between lens and 
body, if the IS-math isn't thrown off by the macro extension)


Willem-Jan Markerink

      The desire to understand 
is sometimes far less intelligent than
     the inability to understand

[note: 'a-one' & 'en-el'!]

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