On 02/19/2016 04:16 AM, ~Stack~ wrote:
1. Packages will never disappear. [They don't disappear from Fedora 12
    even if it is archived.. ]
To my understanding we never made this promise. We should try and
communicate why it's NOT something we promise.
Could you elaborate on this please? I have asked before, but didn't
really get an answer. I don't understand this.

Software in EPEL follows many of the same rules as software in Fedora.
If there isn't an active maintainer the software is removed. This is
because a lot of people expect that the software is going to be
getting updates and bug fixes when it is there. If it isn't there it
is clear that it isn't getting any bug fixes.

While as a user this is a major pain in the butt, on the other side
(maintainers and developers of the software) it is a major pain when
the opposite occurs. Developers get complaints about software they no
longer have any interest in and try to find someone to get rid of the
old software. People who are maintainers of other packages get long
hate emails about why is this software still in XYZ repository if no
one is going to care about it. It burnt out a lot of the early
repository people because they had made a package for someone at some
point but really didn't have any care for it to be there any longer
but all they were getting was crap for it being there.
Thanks for replying. Makes sense. But what would the harm be to move a
package into a separate "retired" repo?

We could expand https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/archive/ for this purpose, after all

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