Hi Thorsten,

Thanks for the reply, and the links to documentation. Some of them I have and some I don't. Lots of code examples are nice.

On 14/11/2005, at 11:17 PM, Thorsten Altenkirch wrote:

Hi Neil,

good to see that you are trying out Epigram.

I'm having a lot of fun...and trying out slightly silly things to see what I understand and what I don't and to see what breaks, and what doesn't.

I am not sure whether I understand your questions properly, but here are some comments...

There is no need to define "fibber" because structural recursion is built-in into Epigram, actually the elaborator translates structural recursion into uses of standard elimination constants.

Is there documentation on exactly what the elimination constants are? Epigram was happy with an Ackermann function, which surprised me slightly.

That is you can just write

     (   n : Nat   !
let  !-------------!
     ! fib n : Nat )

     fib n <= rec n
     { fib n <= case n
       { fib zero => zero
         fib (suc n) <= case n
         { fib (suc zero) => one
           fib (suc (suc n)) => add (fib n) (fib (suc n))

and let Epigram do all the fibbing...

At exponential cost, of course!

But to address your program:

     (   n : Nat   !
let  !-------------!
     ! fib n : Nat )
     fib n <= case (fibber n (pair (succ zero) zero))
     { fib n => a

I am not sure why Epigram actually allows you to do this, it should be an error.

Is the problem really with the use of case? It makes sense to me, and although I can define split, or some other auxiliary function, it seems a pity that I can't remove the detour. Looking at what Horace was telling me it looks like the information was all there, just that the name `a' had leaked out of scope. But I have no idea what is going on internally, so this may be misguided.

Case is a program refinement tactic, not a program language
construct and it only works well for variables, not for expressions (like "fibber ..."). What you want to use here is called the "with" rule, which is not yet implemented - see "The view from the left"


There are a number of work-arounds (e.g. define projections or use an auxilliary function)... But at least in the fib case it turns out not to be necessary.

Best wishes,


Dr. Thorsten Altenkirch            phone : (+44) (0)115 84 66516
Lecturer                           http://www.cs.nott.ac.uk/~txa/
School of Computer Science & IT        University of Nottingham

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